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Rocket Case Study


Problem definition:

The data set from UC Irvine’s Machine Learning Repository includes direct marketing campaigns (i.e. phone calls) of a Portuguese banking institution. The goal is to predict if the client will subscribe a term deposit (indicated in the y variable). The task is to create a model that will help this banking institution determine, in advance, clients who will be receptive to such marketing campaigns. Clearly state the metric used for this problem.

Steps taken:

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis

    • checked for missing values
    • checked for duplicate rows
    • checked for imbalance of target variable
    • looked for potential outliers
    • checked for correlated features
  2. Split the data into train, validation, and test sets

    • using a 70/15/15 split
    • also removed duplicate rows
  3. Pre-process the data

    • Converted target variable to numeric & binary
    • One-hot encoded categorical variables
    • Dropped some features
  4. Models


The metric used to evaluate the performance for this problem is the AUC-ROC, or Area Under the Curve of the Receive Operating Characteristic.


Because the target variable is imbalanced, if we used a simple accuracy metric, any random model would give us a high score of accuracy. Therefore we use the AUC-ROC metric, which looks at both the True Positive Rate and the False Positive Rate.

See the scikit-learn documentation on ROC.


model Train ROC-AUC score Validation ROC-AUC score Test ROC-AUC score
Logistic Regression 0.801587 0.791295 0.773089
LightGBM 0.836647 0.803069 0.780498
XGBoost 0.854777 0.807432 0.782537
Random Forest 0.875211 0.805114 0.779984
  • The Random Forest model is not the best model of this group. It doesn't have the highest test score, and it overfits the most.
  • It's debatable which of the remaining 3 models could be considered the best one. While XGBoost has the highest test score, it also overfits more than LightGBM or Logistic Regression.

Ideas for further work

  • deal with correlated columns (by applying PCA, dropping features, or some other method)
  • deal with the '999' value in the pdays column (for now this was left as is)
  • deal with class imbalance in the target variable
    • by oversampling: create copies of the minority class so we have the same number of training examples in each class
    • not enough data to undersample
  • further engineer features
  • further tune models


case study






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