A retrospective analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic and the modeling tools used throughout.
Most raw data used in this investigation is in the data/raw/ directory. This data has been culled and processed and formatted into data tables to be used for analysis. These tables are in the data/processed/ directory. Historical PyR0 and BVAS data exist in a different github repository, sars-cov2-modeling. Most of the raw data is publicly available at these sources:
- PyR0 historical results: sars-cov2-modeling github
- BVAS historical results: sars-cov2-modeling github
- Bloom fitness per mutation: SARS2-mut-fitness github
- Bloom DMS per mutation from DMS Paper: github
- EVEscape mutation effects (with some DMS): EVEscape paper Supplementary Table 6
- EVEscape strain effects:
--Private repository at HMS--
We also consider data from our own experiments. Through analysis of neutralization and infectivity analyses, we have regressed single-mutation effects on neutralization and infectivity of virus. This analysis is on github, and the data used here is at:
- data/processed/infectivity_mutation_effects.csv
- data/procedded/neutralization_mutation_effects_across_pools.csv
- data/procedded/neutralization_mutation_effects_within_pools.csv