This is a widget plugin for Freeboard (open source web ui dashboard) that allows dashboard widget authoring using Hue Light Components from Philips (
![Screenshot] (HueLights/Screenshoot_HueLight_FreeBoard_Widget_1.png "HueLight Widget")
Light/Lamp State Explanations, more details have been provided in ODT document in the repository.
![Screenshot] (HueLights/Screenshoot_HueLight_FreeBoard_Widget_2.png)
The Data Source requested is also seen in another chapter, we assume here the data source is correctly installed and is name is HUE_LIGHTS. Here are some explanations on each field of the widget:
- TITLE: field shall not be filled, in this case the HUE_LIGHT Widget will get the information from the Hue Bridge and assigned the name configured for the Light.
- LIGHT ID: This filed is required, it shall be greater or equal than 1. It represents the Id number of the Light return by the data source.
- HUE LIGHT DATA: that field shall be datasource[“HUE_LIGHTS”]
![Screenshot] (HueLights/Screenshoot_HueLight_FreeBoard_Widget_3.png "HueLight Plugin")
The datasource requested by the widget is a JSON datasource. The JSON data expected are described in the chapter JSON PHP data. Let’s assume at this stage that the JSON data come from a php file named hue.php that you have installed in your home local server.
![Screenshot] (HueLights/Screenshoot_HueLight_FreeBoard_Widget_4.png "HueLight DataSource")
In order to access thyour Hue Bridge, you have to create your own developper account on HUE (, knowing your Bridge IP, and create an application key on your Bridge.
Look inside the hue.php file, there is a configuration to perform: set your IP Hue Bridge API and set your API Key. This php script provide whole information of the Lights from the Hue Bridge controller.
Edit the file index.html at the root of the freeboard directory and modify the script bloc like below :
<script type="text/javascript">
// *** Load more plugins here ***
{ //DOM Ready
var hashpattern = window.location.hash.match(/(&|#)source=([^&]+)/);
if (hashpattern !== null) {
$.getJSON(hashpattern[2], function(data) {
freeboard.loadDashboard(data, function() {
Copy the file lights_hue..js in the plugins/freeboard/ folder.
Enjoy !
next will be able to operate the light from the plugin... Need time for that, if someone is interesting to code this features then drop me an mp.