Stima V3.12
What's Changed
- i2c-radiation and i2c-wind redesign
- bugs in i2c-rain: after a print inside ISR interrupt on pin do not work any more and others
- sensor_config migrated to sensor_config_menu_sdcard, a full tool to configure sensor and i2c modules; it use LCD and encoder
but can be used by serial port and IR remote; all module accept confihuration by i2c - digitecoboot with different MCU clock
- changed windsonic output rate from 4 to 2 /sec
- added i2c-power
- severe BUG in getSDFromUV for i2c-wind
- added SHT driver to SensorDriver (ported from SendorDriverb)
- no watchdog when i2c is broken in stima
- change default ADC max input voltage from 2.048V to 6.144V (the defau…
- auto tune ADC gain in i2c-radiation
- stima v3 read binary configuration from CDcard
- new sensor_config with master binary configuration read from SDcard
- stima v3 station configuration by i2c with sensor_config_menu_sdcard
- added SD formatter to sensor_config_menu_sdcard
- stima v3 station configuration by i2c with sensor_config_menu_sdcard