- Name: DockerCompose.Demo
- Description: Simple .Net web api application using Docker and Docker-Compose. The services like API, Postgres and Redis are defined in docker-compose and run in the container environment.
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: FluentEmail_PaperCutApp
- Description: Simple .Net Web API with emailing functionality using FluentEmail. Setup PaperCut tool in docker-compose as a SMTP server to receive and visualize the emails.
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: Transaction-outbox
- Description: Implementing Outbox transaction pattern in .net web api, MassTransit, RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ is hosted in Docker using Docker-compose.
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: Kafka-dotnet-App
- Description: Implemented producer-consumer using Kafa. Used confluent Kafka nuget package to produce and consume messages. Kafka with zookeeper and control center are hosted in docker using docker-compose file.
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: Aspire.Keycloak.Auth.App
- Description: Running KeyCloak and Postgres in .Net Aspire and Authenticate Web API endpoints.
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: Aspire.Redis.HybridCacheApp
- Description: Exploring new Hybridcache using Redis running through Aspire
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: AsyncMicroservicesWithWebhook
- Description: Microservices application with RabbitMQ message broker running in docker. Also contains a webhook.
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: Aspire.UrlShortnerWithMetricsApp
- Description: Aspire Project which uses Postgres, Redis, Hybridcache with Telemetry metrics in a UrlShortner project
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: Aspire.RabbitMQ
- Description: Aspire Project which uses RabbitMQ resources
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: ConsulServiceDiscovery
- Description: Service Discovery using Consul
- Link: ClickHere
- Name: KubernetesApp
- Description: Deploy .Net WEB API in Kubernetes using Kubectl.
- Link: ClickHere