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roxygen2 7.2.0

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@hadley hadley released this 13 May 19:32

New features

  • The NAMESPACE roclet now preserves all existing non-import directives during
    it's first pre-processing pass. This eliminates the "NAMESPACE has changed"
    messages and reduces the incidence of namespace borking (#1254).

  • @inheritParams now only inherits exact multiparameter matches, so if you're
    inheriting from a function with @param x,y you'll only get the parameter
    documentation if your function needs docs for both x and y (#950).

  • All warning messages have been reviewed to be more informative and
    actionable (#1317). @title now checks for multiple paragraphs.
    @export gives a more informative warning if it contains too many lines.
    (#1074). All tags warn now if only provide whitespace (#1228), and
    problems with the first tag in each block are reported with the correct line
    number (#1235).

  • If you have a daily build of RStudio, roxygen2 warnings will now include a
    clickable hyperlink that will take you directly to the problem (#1323).
    This technology is under active development across the IDE and the cli
    package but is extremely exciting.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • roxygen2 can once again read UTF-8 paths on windows (#1277).

  • @authors are de-duplicated in merged documentation (@DanChaltiel, #1333).

  • @exportS3method pkg::generic now works when pkg::generic isn't
    imported by your package (#1085).

  • @includeRmd is now adapted to change in rmarkdown 2.12 regarding math
    support in github_document() (#1304).

  • @inherit and friends perform less aggressive link tweaking, eliminating
    many spurious warnings. Additionally, when you do get a warning, you'll
    now always learn which topic it's coming from (#1135). Inherited
    \ifelse{}{}{} tags are now inserted correctly (without additional {})

  • @inhert now supports inheriting "Notes" with @inherit pkg::fun note
    (@pat-s, #1218)

  • Automatic @usage now correctly wraps arguments containing syntactically
    significant whitespace (e.g anonymous functions) (#1281) and non-syntactic
    values surrounded by backticks (#1257).

  • Markdown:

    • Code blocks are always wrapped in <div class="sourceCode">
      even if the language is unknown (#1234).

    • Links with markup (e.g. [foo `bar`][target]) now cause an informative
      warning instead of generating invalid Rd.

    • Curly braces in links are now escaped (#1259).

    • Inline R code is now powered by knitr. Where available, (knit) print
      methods are applied (#1179). This change alters outputs and brings roxygen
      in line with console and R markdown behavior. x <- "foo" no longer
      inserts anything into the resulting documentation, but x <- "foo"; x

  • roxygen2 no longer generates invalid HTML (#1290).

  • DOIs, arXiv links, and urls in the Description field of the DESCRIPTION
    are now converted to the appropriate Rd markup (@dieghernan, #1265, #1164).
    DOIs in the URL field of the DESCRIPTION are now converted to Rd's
    special \doi{} tag (@ThierryO, #1296).