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UTF-8 in usage being converted to symbols again #748

bwiernik opened this issue Jun 25, 2018 · 11 comments

UTF-8 in usage being converted to symbols again #748

bwiernik opened this issue Jun 25, 2018 · 11 comments
bug an unexpected problem or unintended behavior rd ✍️


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bwiernik commented Jun 25, 2018

Some UTF-8 characters, such as \u2212 and \u221e are being exported incorrectly in the usage section. On Windows, these are being converted to (- and 8, respectively). On Mac, they are being converted to their unicode symbols, rather than remaining as escaped sequences.

I thought this would have been fixed in #649, but apparently not.

Edit: Added details that it is failing in a different way on Mac.


#' Format numbers for presentation
#' A function to format numbers and logical values as characters for display purposes.
#' Includes control over formatting of decimal digits, leading zeros, sign characters,
#' and characters to replace logical, NA, NaN, and Inf values. Factors are converted
#' to strings. Strings are returned verbatim.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @param x A vector, matrix, or data.frame of numbers to format
#' @param digits The number of decimal digits desired (used strictly; default: 2)
#' @param decimal.mark The character to use for the decimal point (defaults to locale default: \code{getOption("OutDec")})
#' @param leading0 How to print leading zeros on decimals. Can be logical to print (\code{TRUE}) or suppress (\code{FALSE}) leading zeros or a character string to subsitute for leading zeros. If \code{"conditional"} (default), leading zeros are shown if a column contains any absolute values greater than 1 and suppressed otherwise. If \code{"figure"}, leading zeros are replaced with a figure space (\href{}{\code{U+2007}}) if a column contains any absolute values greater than 1 and suppressed otherwise.
#' @param drop0integer Logical. Should trailing decimal zeros be dropped for integers?
#' @param neg.sign Character to use as negative sign. Defaults to minus-sign (\href{}{\code{U+2212}}).
#' @param pos.sign Character to use as positive sign. Set to \code{FALSE} to suppress. If \code{"figure"} (default), the positive sign is a figure-space (\href{}{\code{U+2007}}) if a column contains any negative numbers and suppressed otherwise.
#' @param big.mark Character to mark between each \code{big.interval} digits \emph{before} the decimal point. Set to \code{FALSE} to suppress. Defaults to the SI/ISO 31-0 standard-recommened thin-spaces (\href{}{\code{U+202F}}).
#' @param big.interval See \code{big.mark} above; defaults to 3.
#' @param small.mark Character to mark between each \code{small.interval} digits \emph{after} the decimal point. Set to \code{FALSE} to suppress. Defaults to the SI/ISO 31-0 standard-recommened thin-spaces (\href{}{\code{U+202F}}).
#' @param small.interval See \code{small.mark} above; defaults to 3.
#' @param na.mark Character to replace \code{NA} and \code{NaN} values. Defaults to em-dash (\href{}{\code{U+2014}}))
#' @param lgl.mark A length 2 vector containing characters to replace \code{TRUE} and \code{FALSE}. Defaults to c("+", "\href{}{\code{U+2212}}").
#' @param inf.mark A length 2 vector containing characters to replace \code{Inf} and \code{-Inf}. Defaults to c("+\href{}{\code{U+221e}}", "\href{}{\code{U+2212}}\href{}{\code{U+221e}}").
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # format_num() converts numeric values to characters with the specified formatting options.
#' # By default, thousands digit groups are separated by thin spaces, negative signs are replaced
#' # with minus signs, and positive signs and leading zeros are replaced with figure spaces
#' # (which have the same width as numbers and minus signs). These options ensure that all
#' # results will align neatly in columns when tabled.
#' format_num(x = c(10000, 1000, 2.41, -1.20, 0.41, -0.20))
#' # By default, format_num() uses your computer locale's default decimal mark as
#' # the decimal point. To force the usage of "." instead (e.g., for submission to
#' # a U.S. journal), set decimal.mark = ".":
#' format_num(x = .41, decimal.mark = ".")
#' # By default, format_num() separates groups of large digits using thin spaces.
#' # This is following the international standard for scientific communication (SI/ISO 31-0),
#' # which advises against using "." or "," to seprate digits because doing so can lead
#' # to confusion for human and computer readers because "." and "," are also used
#' # as decimal marks in various countries. If you prefer to use commmas to separate
#' # large digit groups, set big.mark = ",":
#' format_num(x = 10000, big.mark = ",")
format_num <- function(x, digits = 2L, decimal.mark = getOption("OutDec"),
                       leading0 = "conditional", drop0integer = FALSE,
                       neg.sign = "minus", pos.sign = "figure",
                       big.mark = "thinspace", big.interval = 3L,
                       small.mark = "thinspace", small.interval = 3L,
                       na.mark = "\u2014", lgl.mark = c("+", "\u2212"),
                       inf.mark = c("+\u221e", "\u2212\u221e") ){

        is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  {if(is.numeric(x)) abs(x - round(x)) < tol else FALSE}

        # Input checking
        if(length(lgl.mark) == 1) lgl.mark <- c(lgl.mark, lgl.mark)
        if(length(inf.mark) == 1) inf.mark <- c(inf.mark, inf.mark)

        if(is.null(dim(x))) {
                x_type <- "vector"
                x <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        } else if("tbl_df" %in% class(x)) {
                x_type <- "tibble"
                x <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        } else if("matrix" %in% class(x)) {
                x_type <- "matrix"
                x <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        } else x_type <- "other"

        # Classify inputs
        which_logical  <- purrr::modify(x, is.logical) %>% as.matrix()
        which_integers <- as.matrix(purrr::modify(x, is.wholenumber))
        which_integers[] <- FALSE
        which_infinite <- purrr::modify(x, is.infinite) %>% as.matrix()
        which_numeric <-
                purrr::modify(x, ~ is.numeric(.x) & ! &
                !which_infinite &
                !which_integers %>% as.matrix()

        if(neg.sign == "minus") neg.sign <- "\u2212"
        if(big.mark == "thinspace") big.mark <- "\u202F"
        if(small.mark == "thinspace") small.mark <- "\u202F"

        if(pos.sign == FALSE) flag <- "" else flag <- "+"

        # Initial formatting for each type of data
        out <- x
        out[] <- na.mark
        ### Convert characters, factors, date/times, and and other unsupported
        ### types to character
        out <- purrr::modify_if(out, ~ !is.numeric(.x) & !is.logical(.x) & !is.complex(.x), as.character)
        out[which_logical & x == TRUE] <- lgl.mark[1]
        out[which_logical & x == FALSE] <- lgl.mark[2]
        out[which_infinite & x == Inf] <- inf.mark[1]
        out[which_infinite & x == -Inf] <- inf.mark[2]

        out <- purrr::modify_if(out, is.complex,
                                ~ format(.x, trim = TRUE, digits = digits, nsmall = digits,
                                         scientific = FALSE, big.mark = big.mark,
                                         big.interval = big.interval, small.mark = small.mark,
                                         small.interval = small.interval,
                                         decimal.mark = decimal.mark, drop0trailing = FALSE))

        out[which_integers] <- as.integer(x[which_integers]) %>%
                formatC(digits = digits, format = "f", flag = flag,
                        decimal.mark = decimal.mark,
                        big.mark = big.mark, big.interval = big.interval,
                        small.mark = small.mark, small.interval = small.interval,
                        drop0trailing = drop0integer)

        out[which_numeric] <- as.double(x[which_numeric]) %>%
                formatC(digits = digits, format = "f", flag = flag,
                        decimal.mark = decimal.mark,
                        big.mark = big.mark, big.interval = big.interval,
                        small.mark = small.mark, small.interval = small.interval,
                        drop0trailing = FALSE)

        # Clean up unicode big.mark and small.mark
        out[] <- dplyr::mutate_all(out,
                                                                 paste0("(",paste(rev(strsplit(sub(" ", big.mark, " "),"")[[1]]), collapse=""),"|",sub(" ", big.mark, " "),")"),
        out[] <- dplyr::mutate_all(out,
                                                                 paste0("(",paste(rev(strsplit(sub(" ", small.mark, " "),"")[[1]]), collapse=""),"|",sub(" ", small.mark, " "),")"),

        # Clean up leading zeros
               "TRUE" = {},
               "FALSE" = out[] <- purrr::map(out, ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, paste0("^(\\+|-?)0", decimal.mark), paste0("\\1", decimal.mark))),
               conditional = {
                       out <- dplyr::mutate_if(out,
                                               sapply(x, function(i) {is.numeric(i) & !any(if(is.numeric(i)) abs(i) >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)}),
                                               function(i) stringr::str_replace_all(i, paste0("^(\\+|-?)0", decimal.mark), paste0("\\1", decimal.mark)))
               figure = {
                       out <- dplyr::mutate_if(out,
                                               sapply(x, function(i) {is.numeric(i) & any(if(is.numeric(i)) abs(i) >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)}),
                                               function(i) stringr::str_replace_all(i, paste0("^(\\+|-?)0", decimal.mark), paste0("\\1\u2007", decimal.mark)))
                       out <- dplyr::mutate_if(out,
                                               sapply(x, function(i) {is.numeric(i) & !any(if(is.numeric(i)) abs(i) >= 1, na.rm = TRUE)}),
                                               function(i) stringr::str_replace_all(i, paste0("^(\\+|-?)0", decimal.mark), paste0("\\1", decimal.mark)))
               # else =
               {out[] <- purrr::map(out, ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, paste0("^(\\+|-?)0", decimal.mark), paste0("\\1", leading0, decimal.mark)))}

        # Clean up positive signs
               "TRUE" = {},
               "FALSE" = {},
               figure = {
                       out <- dplyr::mutate_if(out,
                                               sapply(x, function(i) {is.numeric(i) & !any(if(is.numeric(i)) i < 0, na.rm = TRUE)}),
                                               function(i) stringr::str_replace_all(i, "^\\+", ""))
                       out <- dplyr::mutate_if(out,
                                               sapply(x, function(i) {is.numeric(i) & any(if(is.numeric(i)) i < 0, na.rm = TRUE)}),
                                               function(i) stringr::str_replace_all(i, "^\\+", "\u2007"))
               # else =
               {out[] <- purrr::map(out, ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, "^\\+", pos.sign))}

        # Clean up negative signs
               "TRUE" = {},
               "FALSE" = {},
               "-" = {},
               # else =
               {out[] <- purrr::map(out, ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, "^-", neg.sign))}

        if(x_type == "tibble") {
                out <- as_tibble(out, validate = FALSE)
        } else if(x_type == "vector") {
                out <- unlist(out)
        } else if(x_type == "matrix") {
                out <- as.matrix(out)

@bwiernik bwiernik changed the title UTF-8 in usage being converted on Windows UTF-8 in usage being converted to symbols again Jun 25, 2018

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@hadley hadley closed this as completed Jun 28, 2018

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@hadley hadley reopened this Jun 28, 2018
@hadley hadley added the reprex needs a minimal reproducible example label Jul 24, 2018
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bwiernik commented Feb 2, 2019

Here is a minimal example. This function converts a numeric vector to character and replaces - with a specified character, defaulting to \u2007

#' Format numbers for presentation
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @param neg.sign Character to use as negative sign. Defaults to minus-sign (\href{}{\code{U+2212}}).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' format_num(x = c(10000, 1000, 2.41, -1.20, 0.41, -0.20))

format_num <- function(x, neg.sign = "\u2212") {
     x <- formatC(x, digits = 2)
     # Clean up negative signs
            "TRUE" = {},
            "FALSE" = {},
            "-" = {},
            # else =
            {out[] <- purrr::map(out, ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, "^-", neg.sign))}

When I document this in roxygen, the \u2007 in the default usage section is converted to a the minus sign character. On Windows, it is further corrupted as shown as <U+2007>. This produces the following warning from devtoools::check() on Windows:

Mismatches in argument default values:
      Name: 'neg.sign' Code: "-" Docs: "-"

When documenting, roxygen should render the text in usage directly as-is, without any interpretation.


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hadley commented Aug 22, 2019

Thanks, that's helpful. That allowed me to create this minimal reprex:


roc_proc_text(rd_roclet(),  "
  #' Correct compilation with explicit usage section
  #' @usage format_num(neg.sign = '\\u2212')
  works <- function(neg.sign = '\\u2212') {}
#> \usage{
#> format_num(neg.sign = '\u2212')
#> }

roc_proc_text(rd_roclet(), "
  #' Incorrect compilation if usage is determined from the function call
  #' roxygen2 renders the actual unicode characters in the documentation
  fails_1 <- function(neg.sign = '\\u2212') {}
#> \usage{
#> fails_1(neg.sign = "−")
#> }

roc_proc_text(rd_roclet(), "
  #' Also incorrect compilation if usage is determined from the function call with double escapes
  #' roxygen2 renders both slashes in the documentation and the function behavior changes
  fails_2 <- function(neg.sign = '\\\\u2212') {}
#> \usage{
#> fails_2(neg.sign = "\\\\u2212")
#> }

Created on 2019-08-22 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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hadley commented Aug 22, 2019

This is going to be hard (impossible?) to fix, because roxygen currently looks at the abstract syntax tree where that distinction is lost:

f1 <- quote(function(neg.sign = '\u2212') {})
#> function(neg.sign = "−") {
#> }

Created on 2019-08-22 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

@hadley hadley added bug an unexpected problem or unintended behavior rd ✍️ and removed reprex needs a minimal reproducible example labels Aug 22, 2019
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If it can’t be fixed, maybe a note about needing an explicit usage section when using unicode characters in function arguments should be added?

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hadley commented Sep 10, 2019

I can't recreate this R CMD check failure on any platform: My documentation at b741e0e

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bug an unexpected problem or unintended behavior rd ✍️
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