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Releases: r-lib/httr2

httr2 1.1.1

08 Mar 17:43
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New features

  • req_perform_parallel() lifts many of the previous restrictions. It supports simplified versions of req_throttle() and req_retry(), can refresh OAuth tokens, and checks the cache before/after each request. (#681).
  • Default verbosity can be controlled by the HTTR2_VERBOSITY environment variable (#687).
  • local_verbosity() matches the existing with_verbosity() and allows for local control of verbosity (#687).
  • req_dry_run() and req_verbose() display compressed correctly (#91, #656) and automatically prettify JSON bodies (#668). You can suppress prettification with options(httr2_pretty_json = FALSE) (#668).
  • req_throttle() implements a new "token bucket" algorithm that maintains average rate limits while allowing bursts of higher request rates.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • aws_v4_signature() correctly processes URLs containing query parameters (@jeffreyzuber, #645).
  • oauth_client() and oauth_token() implement improved print methods with bulleted lists, similar to other httr2 objects, and oauth_client() with custom auth functions no longer produces errors (#648).
  • req_dry_run() omits headers that would vary in tests and can prettify JSON output.
  • req_headers() automatically redacts Authorization headers (#649) and correctly implements case-insensitive modification of existing headers (#682).
  • req_headers_redacted() now supports dynamic dots (#647).
  • req_oauth_auth_code() no longer adds trailing "/" characters to properly formed redirect_uri values (@jonthegeek, #646).
  • req_perform_connection() produces more helpful error messages when requests fail at the networking level.
  • req_perform_parallel(pool) now is deprecated in favour of a new max_active argument (#681).
  • req_user_agent() memoizes the default user agent to improve performance, as computing version numbers is relatively slow (300 µs).
  • resp_link_url() once again respects the case insensitivity for header names (@DavidRLovell, #655).
  • resp_stream_sse() automatically retrieves the next event when the current event contains no data, and returns data as a single string (#650).
  • str() correctly redacts redacted headers (#682).

httr2 1.1.0

20 Jan 13:42
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Lifecycle changes

  • req_perform_stream() is superseded in favor of req_perform_connection(),
    which is no longer experimental (#625).

  • with_mock() and local_mock() are defunct and will be removed in the next

New features

  • is_online() wraps curl::has_internet(), making it easy to tell if you're
    currently online (#512).

  • req_headers_redacted() makes it easier to redact sensitive headers (#561).

  • req_retry() implements "circuit breaking", which immediatelys error after
    multiple failures to the same server (e.g. because the server is down)

  • req_url_relative() navigates to a relative URL (#449).

  • resp_request() returns the request associated with a response; this can
    be useful when debugging (#604).

  • resp_stream_is_complete() checks if data remains in the stream (#559).

  • url_modify(), url_modify_query(), and url_modify_relative() modify
    URLs (#464); url_query_parse() and url_query_build() parse and build
    query strings (#425).

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • OAuth response parsing errors now have a dedicated httr2_oauth_parse error
    class that includes the original response object (@atheriel, #596).

  • curl_translate() converts cookie headers to req_cookies_set() (#431)
    and JSON data to req_body_json_modify() calls (#258).

  • print.request() escapes {} in headers (#586).

  • req_auth_aws_v4() formats the AWS Authorization header correctly (#627).

  • req_retry() defaults to max_tries = 2 when nethier max_tries nor
    max_seconds is set. If you want to disable retries, set max_tries = 1.

  • req_perform_connection() gains a verbosity argument, which is useful for
    understanding exactly how data is streamed back to you (#599).
    req_perform_promise() also gains a verbosity argument.

  • req_url_query() can control how spaces are encoded with .space (#432).

  • resp_link_url() handles multiple Link headers (#587).

  • resp_stream_sse() will warn if it recieves a partial event.

  • url_parse() parses relative URLs with new base_url argument (#449) and
    the uses faster and more correct curl::curl_parse_url() (#577).

httr2 1.0.7

27 Nov 14:17
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  • req_perform_promise() upgraded to use event-driven async based on waiting efficiently on curl socket activity (#579).
  • New req_oauth_token_exchange() and oauth_flow_token_exchange() functions implement the OAuth token exchange protocol from RFC 8693 (@atheriel, #460).

httr2 1.0.6

04 Nov 18:00
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  • Fix stochastic test failure, particularly on CRAN (#572)
  • New oauth_cache_clear() is an exported end point to clear the OAuth cache.
  • New req_auth_aws_v4() signs request using AWS's special format (#562, #566).
  • req_cache() no longer retrieves anything but GET requests from the cache.
  • New resp_stream_aws() to retrieve AWS's special streaming format. With thanks to for a simple reference implementation.

httr2 1.0.5

26 Sep 12:34
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  • req_perform_parallel() and req_perform_promise() now correctly set up the method and body (#549).

httr2 1.0.4

16 Sep 13:58
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  • req_body_file() now works with files >64kb once more (#524) and no longer leaks a connection if the response doesn't complete succesfully (#534).
  • req_body_*() now give informative error if you attempt to change the body type (#451).
  • req_cache() now re-caches the response if the body is hasn't been modified but the headers have changed (#442). It also works better when req_perform() sets a path (#442).
  • New req_cookie_set() allows you to set client side cookies (#369).
  • req_perform() no longer displays a progress bar when sleeping during tests. You can override this behaviour by setting the option httr2_progress.
  • req_perform_iterative() is no longer experimental.
  • New req_perform_connection() for working with streaming data. Unlike req_perform_stream() which uses callbacks, req_perform_connection() returns a regular response object with a connection as the body. Unlike req_perform_stream() it supports req_retry() (with @jcheng5, #519).
  • req_retry() no longer treates low-level HTTP failures the same way as transient errors by default. You can return to the previous behaviour with retry_on_error = TRUE.
  • resp_body_html() and resp_body_xml() now work when req_perform() is given a path (#448).
  • New resp_stream_bytes(), resp_stream_lines(), and resp_stream_sse() for streaming chunk from a connection response (#519).

httr2 1.0.3

22 Aug 13:07
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  • jwt_encode_hmac() now calls correct underlying function
    jose::jwt_encode_hmac() and has correct default size parameter value
    (@denskh, #508).

  • req_cache() now prunes cache before checking if a given key exists,
    eliminating the occassional error about reading from an invalid RDS file.
    It also no longer tests for existence then later reads the cache, avoiding
    potential race conditions.

  • New req_perform_promise() creates a promises::promise so a request can
    run in the background (#501, @gergness).

  • req_perform_parallel() now respects error handling in req_error().

httr2 1.0.2

16 Jul 12:22
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  • req_body_file() now only opens a connection when the request actually needs data. In particular, this makes it work better with req_perform_parallel() (#487).
  • req_cache() no longer fails if the rds files are somehow corrupted and now defaults the debug argument to the httr2_cache_debug option to make it easier to debug caching buried in other people's code (#486).
  • req_oauth_password() now only asks for your password once (#498).
  • req_perform_parallel() now works correctly with req_cache() (#447) and now works when downloading 0 byte files (#478)
  • req_perform_stream() no longer applies the callback to unsuccessful
    responses, instead creating a regular response. It also now sets last_request() and last_response() (#479).
  • req_url_query() now allows you to opt out of escaping for multi-value parameters (#404).

httr2 1.0.1

01 Apr 21:13
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  • req_perform_stream() gains a round = c("byte", "line") argument to control
    how the stream is rounded (#437).

  • req_retry() gives a clearer error if after returns the wrong type of
    value (#385).

  • req_template() now works when you have a bare : in a template that
    uses "uri" style (#389).

  • req_timeout() now resets the value of connecttimeout set by curl.
    This ensures that you can use req_timeout() to increase the connection
    timeout past 10s (#395).

  • url_parse() is considerably faster thanks to performance optimisations
    by and discussion with @DyfanJones (#429).

httr2 1.0.0

14 Nov 14:46
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Function lifecycle

  • local_mock() and with_mock() have been deprecated in favour of
    local_mocked_responses() and with_mocked_responses() (#301).

  • multi_req_perform() is deprecated in favour of req_perform_parallel().
    req_stream() is deprecated in favour of req_perform_stream() (#314).

  • oauth_flow_auth_code() deprecates host_name and port arguments in favour
    of using redirect_uri. It also deprecates host_ip since it seems unlikely
    that changing this is ever useful.

  • oauth_flow_auth_code_listen() now takes a single redirect_uri argument
    instead of separate host_ip and port arguments. This is a breaking change
    but I don't expect anyone to call this function directly (which was confirmed
    by a GitHub search) so I made the change without deprecation.

  • req_body_form() and req_body_multipart() now require data ...;
    they no longer accept a single list for compatibility with the 0.1.0

Multiple requests

  • New req_perform_sequential() performs a known set of requests
    sequentially. It has an interface similar to req_perform_parallel() but
    with no limitations, and the cost of being slower (#361).

  • New req_perform_iterative() performs multiple requests, where each request
    is derived from the previous response (@mgirlich, #8).

  • req_perform_parallel() replaces multi_req_perform() to match the new
    naming scheme (#314). It gains a progress argument.

  • req_perform_iterative(), req_perform_parallel(), and
    req_perform_sequential() share a new error handling strategy. By
    default, errors will be bubbled up, but you can choose an alternative
    strategy with the on_error argument (#372).

  • A new family of functions resps_successes(), resps_failures(),
    resps_requests() and resps_data() make it easier to work with lists of
    responses (#357). Behind the scenes, these work because the request is now
    stored in the response (or error) object (#357).

  • resp_body_json() and resp_body_xml() now cache the parsed values so
    that you can use them repeatedly without worrying about the performance cost.
    This supports the design req_perform_iterative() by avoiding the need to
    carefully pass around a parsed object.

OAuth features

  • A new vignette("oauth") gives many more details about how OAuth works and
    how to use it with httr2 (#234), and the OAuth docs have been overhauled to
    make it more clear that you should use req_oauth_*(), not oauth_*() (#330).

  • If you are using an OAuth token with a refresh token, and that refresh
    token has expired, then httr2 will now re-run the entire flow to get
    you a new token (#349).

  • New oauth_cache_path() returns the path that httr2 uses for caching OAuth
    tokens. Additionally, you can now change the cache location by setting the
    HTTR2_OAUTH_CACHE env var. This is now more obvious to the user, because
    httr2 now informs the user whenever a token is cached.

  • oauth_flow_auth_code() gains a redirect_uri argument rather than deriving
    this URL automatically from the host_name and port (#248). It uses
    this argument to automatically choose which strategy to use to get the
    auth code, either launching a temporary web server or, new, allowing you to
    manually enter the details with the help of a custom JS/HTML page hosted
    elsewhere, or by copying and pasting the URL you're redirected to
    (@fh-mthomson, #326). The temporary web server now also respects the path
    component of redirect_uri, if the API needs a specific path (#149).

  • New oauth_token_cached() allows you to get an OAuth token while still
    taking advantage of httr2's caching and auto-renewal features. For expert
    use only (#328).

Other new features

  • @mgirlich is now a httr2 contributor in recognition of his many contributions.

  • req_cache() gains max_n, max_size, and max_age arguments to
    automatically prune the cache. By default, the cache will stay under 1 GB

  • New req_body_json_modify() allows you to iteratively modify a JSON
    body of a request.

  • New req_cookie_preserve() lets you use a file to share cookies across
    requests (#223).

  • New req_progress() adds a progress bar to long downloads or uploads (#20).

  • New resp_check_content_type() to check response content types (#190).
    resp_body_json() and friends give better errors if no Content-Type
    header is present in the response (#284).

  • New resp_has_body() returns a TRUE or FALSE depending on whether
    or not the response has a body (#205).

  • New resp_url(), resp_url_path(), resp_url_queries() and
    resp_url_query() to extract various part of the response url (#57).

  • req_url_query() gains a .multi parameter that controls what happens when
    you supply multiple values in a vector. The default will continue to error
    but you can use .multi = "comma" to separate with commas, "pipe" to
    separate with |, and "explode" to generate one parameter for each
    value (e.g. ?a=1&a=2) (#350).

  • New secret_encrypt_file() and secret_decrypt_file() for encrypting and
    decrypting files (#237).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • The httr2 examples now only run on R 4.2 and later so that we can use
    the base pipe and lambda syntax (#345).

  • OAuth errors containing a url now correctly display that URL
    (instead of the string "uri").

  • curl_translate() now uses the base pipe, and produces escapes with single
    quotes or raw strings in case double quotes can't be used (@mgirlich, #264).
    It gains the argument simplify_headers that removes some common but
    unimportant headers, like Sec-Fetch-Dest or sec-ch-ua-mobile
    (@mgirlich, #256). It also parses the query components of the url
    (@mgirlich, #259) and works with multiline commands from the clipboard
    (@mgirlich, #254).

  • local_mocked_responses() and with_mocked_responses() now accept a
    list of responses which will be returned in sequence. They also now correctly
    trigger errors when the mocked response represents an HTTP failure (#252).

  • oauth_flow_refresh() now only warns, not errors, if the refresh_token
    changes, making it a little easier to use in manual workflows (#186).

  • obfuscated() values now display their original call when printed.

  • req_body_json() gains custom content type argument
    and respects custom content-type set in header (@mgirlich, #189).

  • req_cache() now combine the headers of the new response with the headers
    of the cached response. In particular, this fixes resp_body_json/xml/html()
    on cached responses (@mgirlich, #277).

  • req_perform() now throws error with class httr2_failure/httr2_error if
    the request fails, and that error now captures the curl error as the parent.
    If the request succeeds, but the response is an HTTP error, that error
    now also has super class httr2_error. This means that all errors thrown by
    httr2 now inherit from the httr2_error class. See new docs in ?req_error()
    for more details.

  • req_perform()'s progress bar can be suppressed by setting
    options(httr2_progress = FALSE) (#251). Progress bars displayed while
    waiting for some time to pass now tell you why they're waiting (#206).

  • req_oauth_bearer_jwt() now includes the claim in the cache key (#192).

  • req_oauth_device() now takes a auth_url parameter making it usable
    (#331, @taerwin).

  • req_url_query() gains a .multi parameter that controls what happens when
    you supply multiple values in a vector. The default will continue to error
    but you can use .multi = "comma" to separate with commas, "pipe" to
    separate with |, and "explode" to generate one parameter for each
    value (e.g. ?a=1&a=2) (#350).