Magento 2 "Regenerate Url rewrites" extension add a CLI feature which allow to regenerate a Url rewrites of products/categories in all stores or specific store. Extension homepage:
- run composer command:
$> composer require olegkoval/magento2-regenerate-url-rewrites
extract files from an archive
deploy files into Magento2 folder
- enable extension (use Magento 2 command line interface *):
$> bin/magento module:enable OlegKoval_RegenerateUrlRewrites
- to make sure that the enabled module is properly registered, run 'setup:upgrade':
$> bin/magento setup:upgrade
- [if needed] re-deploy static view files:
$> bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- to re-generate all Url rewrites of the categories/products in all stores (it support a multistores) run:
$> bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate
- to regenerate all Url rewrites of the categories/products in the specific store view (e.g.: store view id is "2"):
$> bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate 2
or$> bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate --storeId=2
- to save a current URL rewrites (e.g.: you've updated a name of product(s)/category(-ies) and want to get a new URL rewites and save current):
$> bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate --save-old-urls
- to do not run full reindex at the end of Url rewrites generation:
$> bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate --no-reindex
- also you can combine a options:
$> bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate 2 --save-old-urls
or$> bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate --storeId=2 --save-old-urls
Best regards, Oleg Koval
* see: