This role provides a lookup plugin to perform LDAP queries.
Tested on Ansible 1.8.
Use of this role requires the Python LDAP client module.
The plugin allows default parameters to be set using the ldap_lookup_config
url: ldap://
# URL of the LDAP server
# Default: None
base: dc=example,dc=com
# Base DN for all queries
# Default: None
auth: simple
# Authentication mechanism to use for binding (one of "simple", "gssapi")
# Default: simple
binddn: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
# DN to use for simple binding
# Default: None (anonymous bind)
bindpw: Secret!
# Password to use for simple binding (anon binding if none)
# Default: None
scope: subtree
# Scope of queries (one of "base", "onelevel", or "subtree")
# Default: subtree
filter: (objectClass=*)
# Search filter
# Default: objectClass=*
# Search term can be referenced as {{ term }}
# List of attributes to be returned
# Default: None (return all attributes)
# Key attribute to be included in returned values
# Default: None (no key)
# Use STARTTLS after connecting
# Default: False
# Peer certificate verification strategy. One of 'never', 'hard', 'demand',
# 'allow', or 'try'. See 'TLS_REQCERT' in the ldap.conf(5) manual page.
# Default: None (Use OS configuration file or library defaults.)
can be:
- a simple string denoting an attribute name;
- a dict with a single key (the attribute name), with a value that is a list of key=value properties (or an equivalent dict);
- a list of the above.
Valid attribute properties are:
for binary data (e.g.jpegPhoto
), or any valid character set name for text dataskip
: if set True, the attribute is not returned to Ansiblealways_list
: if set True, the attribute is always returned as a list of values, even if it has a single value.
Note that, because of the way the 'ldap-python' library works, the tls_reqcert
option is set on the whole library, and not per-connection. Therefore,
specifying this option can have side-effects.
The defaults can be overridden by declaring specific query contexts, which are dict variables following the same structure. Any parameter not overridden in a context is inherited from the defaults.
The with_ldap
iterator accepts either a single term, or a list of terms,
possibly preceded by one or more dict(s) with possible keys:
: a context to use other than the default one;- `terms': a list of additional terms to append to the terms list;
- any valid configuration parameter to be overridden.
Note: the list of terms is not flattened. If you have declared:
- foo
- bar
and then use the following loop:
- context: mycontext
- "{{ foobar }}"
then you get a single term which is a list. If you want to query the terms "foo" and "bar", use instead:
- context: mycontext
- terms: "{{ foobar }}"
LDAP connection parameters (url
, binddn
, bindpw
) and returned value
parameters (value
, and key
) are subject to template expansion once
at the beginning of the iteration.
Search parameters (base
, scope
, and filter
) are expanded for each
term. The following additional variables are defined at that point:
: the named context, if any, else the default one;term
: the search term.
- hosts: localhost
# Default context
url: ldap://
base: dc=example,dc=com
# binddn:
# bindpw:
# scope: subtree
# List all users, skip jpegPhoto
base: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
- jpegPhoto: skip=True
filter: (uid={{ term }})
# List all users, return dn and jpegPhoto, Base64-encoded
base: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
key: dn
- jpegPhoto:
encoding: binary
filter: (uid={{ term }})
# List every host DN
base: ou=NetDevices,dc=example,dc=com
value: dn
# List group members as plain values (no key)
base: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
value: memberUid
filter: (cn={{ term }})
# List group members, with CN as key
base: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
key: cn
value: memberUid
filter: (cn={{ term }})
# A regular list of users
- johndoe
- marktwain
- name: Display one user, no photo
debug: msg="User {{ item }}"
- context: user_nophoto
- johndoe
- name: Fetch user, with photo
debug: msg="User {{ item.dn }} has photo {{ item.jpegPhoto }}"
- context: user_withphoto
- johndoe
- name: Direct lookup
debug: msg="John's full name is {{ lookup('ldap', 'johndoe', context='user_nophoto', value='cn') }}"
- name: Fetch several users, no photo
debug: msg="User {{ item }}"
- context: user_nophoto
- johndoe
- marktwain
- name: Fetch several users from a list, no photo
debug: msg="User {{ item }}"
- context: user_nophoto
- terms: "{{ users }}"
- name: Iterate on groups (merging contents), key is CN
debug: msg="Group {{ }} contains {{ item.memberUid }}"
- context: group_members_cn
- devel
- sales
- name: Iterate on group members (no key)
debug: msg="Group member {{ item }}"
- context: group_members
- devel
- sales
- name: Iterate on group members (key is DN, overridden locally)
debug: msg="Group {{ item.dn }} contains {{ item.memberUid }}"
- context: group_members
- key: dn
- devel
- sales
- name: Iterate over hosts of some sub-OUs
debug: msg="Host {{ item }}"
- context: host
base: {% raw %}ou={{term}},{{context.base}}{% endraw %}
# Here the search term is not substituted in a filter, but in the
# search base. Also note reference to the 'base' property of the
# named context ('host').
# Note: template references in items are expanded by Ansible prior
# to being handed off to the lookup plugin. However, references
# to the search context and search term obviously cannot be
# resolved at that time. The whole 'base' value therefore needs
# to be escaped in a {% raw %} block here.
- webservers
- dbservers
This role provides a few simple Ansible Jinja2 filters for working with LDAP names.
: Converts a hostname string into a Distinguished Name string.E.g.:
server_hostname: server_dn: {{ server_hostname | hostname_to_dn }} # Set 'server_dn' to 'dc=some,dc=corp,dc=com'.
: Converts a Distinguished Name string of Domain Components into a hostname string.E.g.:
server_dn: DC=some,DC=corp,DC=com server_hostname: {{ server_dn | dn_to_hostname }} # Set 'server_hostname' to ''.
Pavel Penev Minor contributions, such as J2 filters.