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JaCoCo Toolbox

Toolbox for working with JaCoCo code coverage files from the commandline.

Using this JaCoCo toolbox, JaCoCo exec files can get:

right from the command-line. No Java coding needed.

####Table of Contents

  1. Quickstart
  2. More demos
  3. Building JaCoCo Toolbox on your own
  4. FAQ


  1. Get Java.

    Distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, ...) have Java packaged, so you can just install it through your distribution's package manager.

  2. Download a prebuilt JaCoCo Toolbox artifact.

  3. Run it!

    java -jar jacoco-toolbox-0.4103.1.jar

    The above command shows the help screen, which exposes all available commands along with a short description. Each command provides its own, more detailed help screen through the --help argument. E.g.:

    java -jar jacoco-toolbox-0.4103.1.jar report-csv --help

    In the demo section, you'll find more examples on how to merge exec files or generate reports.

    If you just want to toy around using some sample files, you can clone this repo, and find sample exec files underneath toolbox/src/test/resources.

More demos

cd into the directory you cloned JaCoCo Toolbox to.

Merging exec files

./ merge \
  --input toolbox/src/test/resources/jacoco-foo.exec \
  --input toolbox/src/test/resources/jacoco-bar.exec \
  --output merged.exec

Then the file merged.exec holds the merge of jacoco-foo.exec and jacoco-bar.exec.

Generating a CSV report

./ report-csv \
  --input merged.exec \
  --analyze-for toolbox/src/test/resources/TestDataGroupMerged.jar \
  --output report.csv

cat report.csv

This command builds a CSV report for the class files in [...]/TestDataGroupMerged.jar from the runtime data that got previously collected in merged.exec.

Generating an XML report

./ report-xml \
  --input merged.exec \
  --analyze-for toolbox/src/test/resources/TestDataGroupMerged.jar \
  --output report.xml

cat report.xml

This command builds an XML report for the class files in [...]/TestDataGroupMerged.jar from the runtime data that got previously collected in merged.exec.

Generating a HTML report

./ report-html \
  --input merged.exec \
  --analyze-for toolbox/src/test/resources/TestDataGroupMerged.jar \
  --source test-data-merged/src/main/java \
  --output report-html

firefox report-html/index.html

This command builds a HTML report for the class files in [...]/TestDataGroupMerged.jar from the runtime data that got previously collected in merged.exec. To render source file coverage, the source files from test-data-merged/src/main/java get used.

Building JaCoCo Toolbox on your own

To compile the toolbox, you need to have

Distributions (Ubuntu, Debian, ...) have them packaged, so you can just install them through your distribution's package manager.

Once you have them installed, just use JaCoCo Toolbox through the command, which takes care of building for you (see the demo section), or you can build by hand by running

mvn clean package

Once that command passes, you'll find the built artifact in toolbox/target/jacoco-toolbox-0.4103.1.jar.

You can now move on to the demo section to see how to merge exec files or generate reports from them.


  1. Why those ridiculously high version numbers like 4102, or 4103?
  2. What's the Incompatible version 1006 (or [...] 1007) error?

Why those ridiculously high version numbers like 4102, or 4103?

JaCoCo's own exec files store a version number in them. And JaCoCo itself can only operate on a specific version of exec files. Currently, as of summer 2015, mostly two exec file versions are used in the wild 4102, and 4103. JaCoCo Toolbox cam be built against either of those versions.

  • The JaCoCo Toolbox format-4102 branch builds 0.4102.* toolboxes that can read the 4102 exec format.
  • The JaCoCo Toolbox format-4103 branch builds 0.4103.* toolboxes that can read the 4103 exec format.

Here is a list of version numbers:

JaCoCo version exec version JaCoCo Toolbox branch Prebuilt JaCoCo Toolbox .jar
jacoco- 4103 format-4103 jacoco-toolbox-0.4103.1.jar
jacoco- 4102 format-4102 jacoco-toolbox-0.4102.1.jar
jacoco- 4102 format-4102 jacoco-toolbox-0.4102.1.jar
jacoco- 4102 format-4102 jacoco-toolbox-0.4102.1.jar
jacoco- 4102 format-4102 jacoco-toolbox-0.4102.1.jar
jacoco- 4102 format-4102 jacoco-toolbox-0.4102.1.jar
jacoco- 4102 format-4102 jacoco-toolbox-0.4102.1.jar
[...] [...] [...] [...]

What's the Incompatible version 1006 (or [...] 1007) error?

Short answer:

If you get the Incompatible version 1006 error, switch to using JaCoCo toolbox's format-4102 branch and rebuild the toolbox.

If you get the Incompatible version 1007 error, switch to using JaCoCo toolbox's format-4103 branch and rebuild the toolbox.

Long answer:

That's an error message coming straight from JaCoCo itself. The 1006 and 1007 are the exec file version numbers, and the error means that you're trying to read a, say, version 0x1006 exec file with a JaCoCo that cannot read a version 0x1006 exec file.

(Noticed, that I added a 0x in front of the version numbers? The numbers in JaCoCo's error message are actually hex numbers, but lack the hex marker :-/ Please chime in on jacoco/jacoco#319)

When writing those hex version numbers as plain decimals, they map to JaCoCo Toolbox's format-* branches.

Hex Decimal JaCoCo Toolbox branch Prebuilt JaCoCo Toolbox .jar
0x1007 4103 format-4103 jacoco-toolbox-0.4103.1.jar
0x1006 4102 format-4102 jacoco-toolbox-0.4102.1.jar

So the Incompatible version 1006 error means that you're trying to read a exec file in version 4102 (0x1006) with a JaCoCo version that does not know how to read a file of that version.

JaCoCo Toolbox exists for several versions of JaCoCo, and by switching to the corresponding format-* branch of JaCoCo Toolbox, and rebuilding the JaCoCo Toolbox, you should get a JaCoCo Toolbox that can read the exec.


Toolbox for working with JaCoCo







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