This is a simple dotnet core demo project for standing up a website / API / Database using Docker containers and docker-compose for local development.
- Install AND run Docker for Windows/Mac/WhateverYourOSIs
- Install dotnet core 6.0 at a minimum
- Something to edit C# in (VS Code or VS Community are good choices).
If you are attending an in-person tutorial, please ensure that you have successfully run Docker before class. Your laptop may require several reboots to enable virtualization. NOTE: if you are using a MacBook with Windows, virtualization is complicated. You may have to soft-boot from MacOS into Windows to get it to work.
From within the RecipeApp folder, you can build each component independently, or merely run 'docker-compose build' to compile all dependencies and create the requisite images.
You will need to set an environment variable 'TAG' in order to run.
Depends on your environment. In powershell, doing $env:TAG = 'my-tag' will work. In terminal (MacOS), doing 'export TAG=my-tag' will work.
Then you can run 'docker-compose up' to run the services.
In order to run the application, you'll need to ensure that all the secrets exist (as text files) in your home directory. For example, ~/.docker/secrets/Authentication.Microsoft.ApplicationId.txt
should exist. It doesn't matter what's in the file for most purposes, since you will not be testing with Microsoft or Facebook accounts.
By default, the application runs on the following ports: Website - http://localhost:3000 API - http://localhost:8080
Melissa Benua Janna Loeffler