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In this guide, we will walk through the process of building a secure backend for a music app using Node.js, Express, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and bcrypt. This setup will handle user registration, login, and secure access to music tracks.

Data API


Technologies Used Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment. Express: Web framework for Node.js. Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling for Node.js. Bcrypt: Library to hash passwords. JWT: Standard for creating secure tokens. Dotenv: Module to load environment variables. Nodemon: Utility to monitor changes in the code and automatically restart the server.

Project Structure Here's a basic structure for the project:

sandmusic-backend/ │ ├── controllers/ │ ├── UserControllers.js │ ├── TrackController.js │ ├── middleware/ │ └── validateTokenHandler.js │ ├── models/ │ └── User.js │ └── Track.js │ ├── routes/ │ ├── userRoutes.js │ └── trackRoutes.js │ ├── .env ├── index.js ├── package.json Setting Up the Project

Initialize the Project: mkdir sandmusic-backend cd sandmusic-backend npm init -y

Sandmusic Data

Install Dependencies: npm install express mongoose dotenv bcrypt jsonwebtoken npm install --save-dev nodemon Environment Variables:

Create a .env file: makefile MONGO_URI=your_mongodb_connection_string ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=your_jwt_secret_key PORT=5000


Core Functionalities

User Registration and Login

The UserControllers.js handles user registration and login:

Register User: Hashes the password and saves the user to the database. Login User: Validates the user credentials and generates a JWT token. Token Validation Middleware

The validateTokenHandler.js middleware ensures secure access to protected routes by verifying the JWT token.

Secure API Routes The userRoutes.js and trackRoutes.js define routes for user-related and track-related operations. Protected routes use the token validation middleware.

Sandmusic Post Request

Example Usage User Registration: Send a POST request to /api/users/register with displayName, email, password, and profileImage. User Login: Send a POST request to /api/users/login with email and password to receive a JWT token. Secure Access: Use the JWT token in the Authorization header to access protected routes. Running the Server

To start the server, use: npm run dev This will run the server with nodemon, which will automatically restart the server on code changes.