Official code for our paper Sim-to-Real Transfer for Robotic Manipulation with Tactile Sensory Zihan Ding, Ya-Yen Tsai, Wang Wei Lee, Bidan Huang International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2021 (for simulation part only).
Robot: Franka Emika Panda
- DOF: 7 joints + 1 gripper (symmetric for left/right fingers)
- control mode: velocity control (given velocity target at each timestep) + forward kinematics
Environment: Door Opening Task
Additional sensor: self-developed capacitive tactile sensor (simulated with force sensor in MuJoCo)
Simulator: MuJoCo
Dependencies: robosuite, openai gym, MuJoCo, mujoco-py, torch, etc
Needs MuJoCo and mujoco-py installed first.
Check the requirements of robosuite package, we use a local version of it named "robolite" (which supports domain randomisation and inverse kinematics).
pip install -r requirements.txt cd environment/robolite pip install -e .
Install with
-e .
so that later change of package robosuite will no longer require re-installation.Alternatively, we have an independent repo for robolite. Just go there and clone and
pip install
Please cite the our paper if you make use of this repo:
title={Sim-to-Real Transfer for Robotic Manipulation with Tactile Sensory},
author={Ding, Zihan and Tsai, Ya-Yen and Lee, Wang Wei and Huang, Bidan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.00410},
- In
defines the model of Franka gripper with tactile sensors mounted on left and right fingers, also with a 3D-printed adaptors for mounting.panda_gripper.xml
is the original gripper. The tactile sensors are modeled as force sensors in Mujoco, named as "touch_xx_body" in the xml. - In
is the 3D cad model of the tactile base on the fingertip used in this project. - In
is the original 3D cad model of the Franka gripper finger tip. - In
defines the script of the gripper with tactile sensors. It reads thepanda_gripper_tactile.xml
. It is called
. - In
is called by./environments/
. The robot and the gripper are loaded independently. - In
defines the model of environment with the door (mounted on a cabinet) on the table, with necessary STL files incabinet/
. - In
defines the script of the environment. - In
defines the robotic door opening task (important!). Reward is defined here. - In
defines a wrapper of door opening task for training RL in gym API.
is the main training
is a testing script for testing the simulated tactile sensing in an independent environment. It places a block on a tactile sensor and reads the force distribution. The force readings are saved in./data/
defines all the hyperparameters for training, including therandomized_params
, which specifies the randomized parameters as defined
is for training/fine-tuning/testing with TD3 algorithm.
Test tactile sensor in an independent environment:
Train the PandaOpenDoorFKTactile environment with RL algorithm TD3:
python --train --env pandaopendoorfktactile --process 2
Test a trained model with saved in
indicates the time for training the model andMODEL_INDEX
is an int number indicating at which episode the model is saved:python --test --env pandaopendoorfktactile --model MODEL_TIME --model_id MODEL_INDEX --render