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(2015) k nearest neighbors machine learning algorithm, written in racket

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What is KNN?

KNN is for k-nearest-neighbors, which is a machine learning algorithm. I learned about it here. You can learn about it here.

How to use knn-racket

The real meat of the program is in knn.rkt. It provides make-knn-classifier and test-classifier. To use it, require it then pass it your data. See knn-example.rkt for an example.

Other files:

  • data/: A folder including some hand-written-digits data.
  • gui.txt: The data that knn-gui.rkt generates.
  • test.txt: Testing data for knndigits.rkt. Came from
  • train.txt: Training data for knndigits.rkt. Came from
  • array.rkt: A simple implementation for 2-d vectors, used in graphics.rkt
  • gui.rkt: Uses classifier from knn-gui.rkt. In the window, r resets & g guesses. Click and drag to draw. If you enter the correct digit (e.g. press the 6 key), then it will be added to data/gui.txt and will make the program smarter.
  • knn-digits.rkt: Makes a knn classifier (for handwritten digits) using data from data/train.txt
  • knn-example.rkt: A simple example of how to make and test a knn-classifier.
  • knn-gui.rkt: A knn classifier specially tailored for the gui.rkt application.
  • n-smallest.rkt: A fast implementation for finding the n-smallest elements of a list, under a function.
  • Some hand written digits data from here


(2015) k nearest neighbors machine learning algorithm, written in racket




