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Time dependent operators (#104)
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Introduce time-dependent operator interface and TimeDependentSum type.
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amilsted committed Jun 28, 2023
1 parent 13cb586 commit 45cfc19
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Showing 6 changed files with 605 additions and 18 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/QuantumOpticsBase.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ export Basis, GenericBasis, CompositeBasis, basis,
LazyTensor, lazytensor_use_cache, lazytensor_clear_cache,
lazytensor_cachesize, lazytensor_disable_cache, lazytensor_enable_cache,
AbstractTimeDependentOperator, TimeDependentSum, set_time!,
current_time, time_shift, time_stretch, time_restrict,
SuperOperator, DenseSuperOperator, DenseSuperOpType,
SparseSuperOperator, SparseSuperOpType, spre, spost, liouvillian,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ include("operators_sparse.jl")
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42 changes: 29 additions & 13 deletions src/operators_lazysum.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ abstract type LazyOperator{BL,BR} <: AbstractOperator{BL,BR} end
LazySum([Tf,] [factors,] operators)
LazySum([Tf,] basis_l, basis_r, [factors,] [operators])
LazySum(::Tuple, x::LazySum)
Lazy evaluation of sums of operators.
Expand All @@ -32,6 +33,9 @@ The `operators` will be kept as is. It can be, for example, a `Tuple` or a
of operator-state operations, such as simulating time evolution. A `Vector` can
reduce compile-time overhead when doing arithmetic on `LazySum`s, such as
summing many `LazySum`s together.
To convert a vector-based `LazySum` `x` to use a tuple for operator
storage, use `LazySum(::Tuple, x)`.
mutable struct LazySum{BL,BR,F,T} <: LazyOperator{BL,BR}
Expand All @@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ LazySum(::Type{Tf}, basis_l::Basis, basis_r::Basis) where Tf = LazySum(basis_l,b
LazySum(basis_l::Basis, basis_r::Basis) = LazySum(ComplexF64, basis_l, basis_r)

function LazySum(::Type{Tf}, basis_l::Basis, basis_r::Basis, factors, operators) where Tf
factors_ = eltype(factors) != Tf ? Tf.(factors) : factors
factors_ = eltype(factors) != Tf ? map(Tf, factors) : factors
LazySum(basis_l, basis_r, factors_, operators)
function LazySum(::Type{Tf}, factors, operators) where Tf
Expand All @@ -63,8 +67,13 @@ LazySum(::Type{Tf}, operators::AbstractOperator...) where Tf = LazySum(ones(Tf,
LazySum(operators::AbstractOperator...) = LazySum(mapreduce(eltype, promote_type, operators), operators...)
LazySum() = throw(ArgumentError("LazySum needs a basis, or at least one operator!"))
LazySum(x::LazySum) = x
LazySum(::Type{Tuple}, x::LazySum) = LazySum(x.basis_l, x.basis_r, x.factors, (x.operators...,))

coefficients(x::LazySum) = x.factors
suboperators(x::LazySum) = x.operators

Base.copy(x::LazySum) = @samebases LazySum(x.basis_l, x.basis_r, copy(x.factors), copy.(x.operators))
# FIXME: Should copy really copy each operator?
Base.copy(x::LazySum) = @samebases LazySum(x.basis_l, x.basis_r, copy.(x.factors), copy.(x.operators))
Base.eltype(x::LazySum) = mapreduce(eltype, promote_type, x.operators; init=eltype(x.factors))

dense(op::LazySum) = length(op.operators) > 0 ? sum(op.factors .* dense.(op.operators)) : Operator(op.basis_l, op.basis_r, zeros(eltype(op.factors), length(op.basis_l), length(op.basis_r)))
Expand All @@ -73,17 +82,15 @@ SparseArrays.sparse(op::LazySum) = length(op.operators) > 0 ? sum(op.factors .*
isequal(x::LazySum, y::LazySum) = samebases(x,y) && isequal(x.operators, y.operators) && isequal(x.factors, y.factors)
==(x::LazySum, y::LazySum) = (samebases(x,y) && x.operators==y.operators && x.factors==y.factors)

# Make tuples contagious in LazySum arithmetic, but preserve "vector-only" cases
_cat(opsA::Tuple, opsB::Tuple) = (opsA..., opsB...)
_cat(opsA::Tuple, opsB) = (opsA..., opsB...)
_cat(opsA, opsB::Tuple) = (opsA..., opsB...)
_cat(opsA, opsB) = vcat(opsA, opsB)
# Make vectors contagious in LazySum arithmetic, but preserve "tuple-only" cases
_lazysum_cat(opsA::Tuple, opsB::Tuple) = (opsA..., opsB...)
_lazysum_cat(opsA, opsB) = [opsA..., opsB...]

# Arithmetic operations
function +(a::LazySum{B1,B2}, b::LazySum{B1,B2}) where {B1,B2}
factors = _cat(a.factors, b.factors)
ops = _cat(a.operators, b.operators)
factors = _lazysum_cat(a.factors, b.factors)
ops = _lazysum_cat(a.operators, b.operators)
@samebases LazySum(a.basis_l, a.basis_r, factors, ops)
+(a::LazySum{B1,B2}, b::LazySum{B3,B4}) where {B1,B2,B3,B4} = throw(IncompatibleBases())
Expand All @@ -94,15 +101,24 @@ end
-(a::LazySum) = @samebases LazySum(a.basis_l, a.basis_r, -a.factors, a.operators)
function -(a::LazySum{B1,B2}, b::LazySum{B1,B2}) where {B1,B2}
factors = _cat(a.factors, -b.factors)
ops = _cat(a.operators, b.operators)
factors = _lazysum_cat(a.factors, -b.factors)
ops = _lazysum_cat(a.operators, b.operators)
@samebases LazySum(a.basis_l, a.basis_r, factors, ops)
-(a::LazySum{B1,B2}, b::LazySum{B3,B4}) where {B1,B2,B3,B4} = throw(IncompatibleBases())
-(a::LazyOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = LazySum(a) - LazySum(b)
-(a::AbstractOperator, b::LazyOperator) = LazySum(a) - LazySum(b)
-(a::O1, b::O2) where {O1<:LazyOperator,O2<:LazyOperator} = LazySum(a) - LazySum(b)

_lazysum_cartprod(prodop, a::Tuple, b::Tuple) = ((prodop(a_, b_) for (a_,b_) in Iterators.product(a, b))...,)
_lazysum_cartprod(prodop, a, b) = promote_type(eltype(a),eltype(b))[(prodop(a_, b_) for (a_,b_) in Iterators.product(a, b))...]
function *(a::LazySum{B1,B2}, b::LazySum{B2,B3}) where {B1,B2,B3}
check_samebases(a.basis_r, b.basis_l)
ops = _lazysum_cartprod(*, a.operators, b.operators)
factors = _lazysum_cartprod(*, a.factors, b.factors)
@samebases LazySum(a.basis_l, b.basis_r, factors, ops)
*(a::LazySum{B1,B2}, b::LazySum{B3,B4}) where {B1,B2,B3,B4} = throw(IncompatibleBases())

function *(a::LazySum, b::Number)
factors = b*a.factors
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,10 +169,10 @@ end
identityoperator(::Type{<:LazySum}, ::Type{S}, b1::Basis, b2::Basis) where S<:Number = LazySum(identityoperator(S, b1, b2))

function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis, indices, op::LazySum)
LazySum(basis_l, basis_r, op.factors, ((embed(basis_l, basis_r, indices, o) for o in op.operators)...,))
LazySum(basis_l, basis_r, op.factors, map(o->embed(basis_l, basis_r, indices, o), op.operators))
function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis, index::Integer, op::LazySum) # defined to avoid method ambiguity
LazySum(basis_l, basis_r, op.factors, ((embed(basis_l, basis_r, index, o) for o in op.operators)...,)) # dispatch to fast-path single-index `embed`
LazySum(basis_l, basis_r, op.factors, map(o->embed(basis_l, basis_r, index, o), op.operators)) # dispatch to fast-path single-index `embed`

function _zero_op_mul!(data, beta)
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