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Qodo Cover GitHub Action

Currently in preview and available for free for a limited time.

Note: Qodo Cover provides two GitHub Actions:

  1. qodo-cover – Best used with manual workflow dispatch. Expands all the tests it can find.
  2. qodo-cover-pr – Best used for pull-request-based test generation. Improves coverage for modified files.

Both actions help automatically generate and enhance test coverage using AI-powered test generation. Qodo Cover analyzes your existing test coverage and intelligently generates additional tests to improve coverage while ensuring high-quality, meaningful test cases.


  • 🔍 Analyzes existing test coverage to identify gaps
  • 🤖 Uses AI to generate contextually aware test cases
  • ✅ Ensures generated tests execute successfully and pass assertions
  • 📈 Targets uncovered code paths to maximize coverage
  • 🔄 Iterative test generation with configurable attempts
  • 🎯 Configurable coverage threshold

Supported Languages

  • Python
  • PHP
  • Java
  • Go
  • Kotlin
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • More coming soon!


Repository Permissions

For Qodo Cover to work, you must explicitly allow GitHub Actions to create pull requests.
This setting can be found under:
Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions.

Ensure "Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests" is enabled.

Repo Permission

Repository secret

Add OPENAI_API_KEY to your repository secrets.

Note: This requirement is temporary. We will enable users to issue access tokens from their Qodo Portal in a future release.


1. qodo-cover (Manual Workflow Dispatch)

See this working example or add the following to your workflow file:

name: Run the qodo-cover action

        description: "Desired coverage percentage"
        required: false
        default: "70"

  pull-requests: write # Allows commenting on pull requests
  contents: write # Allows reading and writing files

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      - name: Check out repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      # ... set up your environment, e.g., install dependencies, etc.

      - name: qodo-cover
        uses: qodo-ai/qodo-ci/.github/actions/qodo-cover@v0.1.12
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          branch: ${{ github.ref_name }}
          project_language: python
          project_root: .
          code_coverage_report_path: ./coverage.xml
          coverage_type: cobertura
          test_command: "pytest --cov=. --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term" # your test command
          model: gpt-4o-2024-11-20
          max_iterations: 3
          desired_coverage: 90
          run_each_test_separately: true
          source_folder: .
          test_folder: .
          additional_instructions: "generated tests MUST be prefixed by a comment that says 'This test was generated by Qodo Cover'"
          OPENAI_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }}

Inputs (qodo-cover)

Input Description Required Default
github_token GitHub token for authentication Yes N/A
branch The branch to run on and potentially open a PR against Yes N/A
project_language Language of the project No python
project_root Root directory of the project No .
code_coverage_report_path Path to the coverage.xml (or equivalent) coverage file No ./coverage.xml
coverage_type Type of coverage report (e.g. cobertura, jacoco) No cobertura
test_command Command to run tests (must generate coverage.xml) Yes N/A
model LLM model name, e.g. gpt-4o No gpt-4o
max_iterations Maximum number of test generation attempts per file No 3
desired_coverage Target coverage percentage No 100
run_each_test_separately Whether to run tests individually for improved speed No true
source_folder Path, relative to project_root, to look for source files. Will ignore source files outside this folder. No .
test_folder Path, relative to project_root, to look for test files. Will ignore test files outside this folder. No .
additional_instructions Additional instructions you wish to append at the end of the test generation prompt. No generated tests MUST be prefixed by a comment that says 'This test was generated by Qodo Cover'

2. qodo-cover-pr (Pull Request-based Action)

See this working example or add the following to your workflow file:

name: Run the qodo-cover-pr action

      - main
      - labeled

  pull-requests: write  # Allows commenting on pull requests
  contents: write  # Allows reading files and creating pull requests

    # Only run if:
    # 1. PR has the qodo-cover label
    # 2. PR is open (not closed or draft)
    if: |
      contains(, 'qodo-cover') &&
      github.event.pull_request.state == 'open' &&
      github.event.pull_request.draft == false
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      - name: Check out repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      # ... set up your environment, e.g., install dependencies, etc.

      - name: qodo-cover-pr
        uses: qodo-ai/qodo-ci/.github/actions/qodo-cover-pr@v0.1.12
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          project_language: python
          project_root: .
          code_coverage_report_path: ./coverage.xml
          coverage_type: cobertura
          test_command: "pytest --cov=. --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term" # your test command
          model: gpt-4o-2024-11-20
          max_iterations: 3
          desired_coverage: 100
          run_each_test_separately: true
          source_folder: .
          test_folder: .
          additional_instructions: "Make sure all tests include detailed docstrings explaining what they're testing"
          OPENAI_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }}

When this action runs on a pull request, it analyzes the changes in that PR, generates additional tests if needed, and will open a new "patch PR" onto your original PR that contains newly created tests.

Inputs (qodo-cover-pr)

Input Description Required Default
github_token GitHub token for authentication Yes N/A
project_language Language of the project No python
project_root Root directory of the project No .
code_coverage_report_path Path to the coverage.xml (or equivalent) coverage file No ./coverage.xml
coverage_type Type of coverage report (e.g. cobertura, jacoco) No cobertura
test_command Command to run tests (must generate coverage.xml) Yes N/A
model LLM model name, e.g. gpt-4o No gpt-4o
max_iterations Maximum number of test generation attempts per file No 3
desired_coverage Target coverage percentage No 100
run_each_test_separately Whether to run tests individually for improved speed No true
source_folder Path, relative to project_root, to look for source files. Will ignore source files outside this folder. No .
test_folder Path, relative to project_root, to look for test files. Will ignore test files outside this folder. No .
additional_instructions Additional instructions you wish to append at the end of the test generation prompt. No generated tests MUST be prefixed by a comment that says 'This test was generated by Qodo Cover'


If the Qodo Cover agent succeeds in improving coverage it will comment on your PR with a link to a patch PR containing the new tests.

Qodo Cover PR Example


  • Must run on ubuntu-22.04 x64
  • Will only add test cases to existing test files
  • You must provide a test command that produces coverage reports in Cobertura or Jacoco XML format (e.g. with pytest and pytest-cov)
  • You must provide your own OpenAI API key


  • Support QodoAI auth so user doesn't have to bring their own LLM API key
  • Option to only generate tests that are focused on the user's PR changeset
  • Integration with Qodo Merge and Qodo Gen
  • Support for additional languages (Typescript, Golang, Java, etc.) and coverage formats (e.g. Cobertura, JaCoCo)
  • Support workflows for other CI providers (Jenkins, CircleCI, Travis CI, and more)


Increase your code coverage






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