This repository contains the code for the Final Project of the Natural Language Processing course in the Artificial Intelligence master degree at UniBo.
The objective of the project is to create an NLP system that solves the problem of Question Answering on the SQuAD dataset.
Clone the repository, create a virtual environment and install the requirements provided in requirements.txt
python3 -m venv .env # or conda create -n NLP python3
Then, once the environment is active:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Our normal model's weights can be downloaded from here. They must be placed in src/checkpoints
Another important step is to download SpaCy's english language model:
python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Then, the model can be evaluated on a test dataset using python3 *PATH_TO_TEST_JSON_FILE*
contains the explanation of the taskdata
contains the JSON files of the training (training_set.json
), validation (validation_set.json
), test (dev_set.json
contains the code of our tests and experiments.- and contain utility code that is used thoughout all other files
- checkpoints should contain the weights of the model
- baselines.ipynb is a notebook containing the implementation of the baselines described in the report
- data_analysis.ipynb contains an analysis of the dataset
- error_analysis.ipynb contains an analysis of the mistakes that the model makes with respect to the ground truth
- train.ipynb is a notebook containing all of the training experiments we conducted
- evaluation_tests.ipynb contains the evaluations whose results we presented in the report
- Finally, report.pdf contains the report for the project.