Quality Muncher Go (aka QM:GO) is a program written to make low quality videos, images, GIFs, and audios. (GIFs are currently a work-in-progress)
Below are the flags. The only needed flag is the input, as all of the others have default values or are disabled by default.
-i, --input strings Specify the input file(s)
-o, --output string Specify the output file
-d, --debug Print out debug information
--progress-bar int Length of progress bar, defaults based on terminal width (default -1)
--loop int Number of time to compress the input. ONLY USED FOR IMAGES. (default 1)
--loglevel string Specify the log level for ffmpeg (default "error")
--update-speed float Specify the speed at which stats will be updated (default 0.0167)
--no-video Produces an output with no video
--no-audio Produces an output with no audio
--replace-audio string Replace the audio with the specified file
-p, --preset int Specify the quality preset (default 4)
--start float Specify the start time of the output
--end float Specify the end time of the output, cannot be used when duration is specified (default -1)
--duration float Specify the duration of the output, cannot be used when end is specified (default -1)
-v, --volume int Specify the amount to increase or decrease the volume by, in dB
-s, --scale float Specify the output scale (default -1)
--video-bitrate int Specify the video bitrate divisor (default -1)
--vb int Shorthand for --video-bitrate (default -1)
--audio-bitrate int Specify the audio bitrate divisor (default -1)
--ab int Shorthand for --audio-bitrate (default -1)
--stretch string Modify the existing aspect ratio (default "1:1")
--fps int Specify the output fps (default -1)
--speed float Specify the video and audio speed (default 1)
-z, --zoom float Specify the amount to zoom in or out (default 1)
--fade-in float Fade in duration
--fade-out float Fade out duration
--stutter int Randomize the order of a frames
--vignette float Specify the amount of vignette
--corrupt int Corrupt the output
--interlace Interlace the output
--lagfun Force darker pixels to update slower
--resample Blend frames together instead of dropping them
-t, --text string Text to add (if empty, no text)
--text-font string Text to add (if empty, no text) (default "arial")
--text-color string Text color (default "white")
--text-pos-x int horizontal position of text, 0 is far left, 100 is far right (default 50)
--text-pos-y int vertical position of text, 0 is top, 100 is bottom (default 90)
--font-size float Font size (scales with output width (default 12)
Builds are released whenever I make a significant change to the program or whenever I remember to.
QM:GO is currently using the GPL v3.0 license, which can be found in the LICENSE file.