- curl
- nvm
nvm install v18.10.0 nvm use v18.10.0 nvm alias default v18.10.0 npm install npm --global
- pnpm
npm install -g pnpm
- kind >=0.16.0
- kubectl
- React, TypeScript, Vite
- ethers.js
- i18n, store - works out-of-box
- TailwindCSS - CSS framework for rapid UI development
$ make help
Usage: make COMMAND
Commands :
help - List available tasks
clean - Cleanup
install - Install NodeJS dependencies
build - Build
upgrade - Upgrade dependencies
run - Run
image-build - Build a Docker image
image-run - Run a Docker image
image-stop - Stop a Docker image
check-version - Ensure VERSION variable is set
release - Create and push a new tag
kind-deploy - Deploy to a local KinD cluster
kind-undeploy - Undeploy from a local KinD cluster
kind-redeploy - Redeploy to a local KinD cluster
make run
kubectl apply -f ./k8s --namespace=web3 --validate=false
service_ip=$(kubectl get services web3-sample-app -n web3 -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
xdg-open "http://${service_ip}:8080" > /dev/null 2>&1
kubectl delete -f ./k8s --namespace=web3
make kind-deploy
make kind-undeploy
Update field Version
const Version = "vX.Y.Z"
targetmake release
Valid eth address to test: