Yachty is a clipboard history tool that aims to be intuitive. Features include global hot keys for a menu of all clipboard history ( default: control+alt+shift+e ) , and another for searching through the history ( default: control+alt+shift+r ). Both are configurable in ~/.jc_config.txt and displayed in the menu.
Windows Store : https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/yachty/9nghml40vfr1
Windows Installer: https://github.com/qorrect/Yachty/blob/main/Binaries/YachtyInstaller.msi?raw=true
Yachty is a windows clone of the famous Jumpcut for MacOS https://snark.github.io/jumpcut/ .
-You'll need the free Visual Studio Community Edition 2019. Clone this project, open Yachty.sln and click Build to generate YachtyW.exe.
With Windows 10 you have to tell it which icons you want visible, hit Start->Type "Taskbar Settings", Scroll Down untill you find the phrase "Select which icons appear on the taskbar", and toggle Yachty.exe to ON.