Web Application for Rsyslog on Symfony + Vue.js.
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
make build@prod
make up
make install@prod
sudo apt install rsyslog-mysql default-mysql-client --no-install-recommends
# and configure via `dbconfig-common` on installation dialog
cp docker-compose.override.yml.dist docker-compose.override.yml
make build@dev
make up
make install@dev
x-www-browser ''
Default search by message and you can apply filters.
Available filters (supports multiple):
tag = "kernel:"
host != "SRV-1", p = "info"
host="SRV-2, DNSSEC"
(can be multiple)h="QQ", f!="auth",p="error"
- /, s - focus the search bar
- Ctrl + ArrowRight - goto the next page
- Ctrl + ArrowLeft - goto the previous page
- Ctrl + Shift + ArrowRight - goto the last page
- Ctrl + Shift + ArrowLeft - goto the first page
- Click(filter link) - filter
- RightClick(filter link) - exclude filter
- Ctrl + Click(filter link) - multiple select/toggle filter
- Ctrl + RightClick(filter link) - multiple select/toggle exclude filter
make install@test
make test
Build and run tested on amd64 and aarch64 (rpi3b).
Developed with <3 by @qbbr.