A fork of the original DDOS Deflate Project -> http://deflate.medialayer.com/
Fully loaded for CentOs 6
For any question : http://www.nicolas-simond.com/ | contact@nicolas-simond.com
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylersnico/DDOS-Deflate-for-CentOs-6/master/install.sh | sh
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylersnico/DDOS-Deflate-for-CentOs-6/master/uninstall.sh | sh
New White List file is at /usr/local/ddos/white.list
Use (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx are ipv4 to white-list) :
grep -v -e server -e Address -e -e -e xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -e xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
To update from v1 to v2 you can use :
wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stylersnico/DDOS-Deflate-for-CentOs-6/master/update-v1-to-v2.sh | sh
DDOS Deflate run an update script each month.
You can disable it in crontab -e
You can run the script with : /usr/local/ddos/update.sh
DDOS Deflate log : /var/log/deflate.log
DDOS Deflate updater log : /var/log/deflate-update.log