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Exercise 2 Create 1st Test

Chirag Jayswal edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 6 revisions


qaf getting started tutorial provides step by step exercise

This repository provides a step by step guide to start using QAF.


Table of contents
  1. Create locator repository
  2. Create your first Test case in BDD
  3. Create your first Test case in Java
  4. References

After completion of Exercise-1 you will have your local enviroment ready with project skeleton in eclipse. Now you are ready to create your first automated test.

In this exercise we will create sample test case to automate google serach. Conisder following test case:

Open Google search page
Search for Git reporsitory QMetry Automation Framework
Verify that Git repository link present 

Create locator repository

To start with first of all you need to identify element locators and place into locator repositoiry. QAS user can use object-spy featuer and non QAS users can use firebug with firepath.

Create new locator repository named and provide locators for serach box, and search button.

txt.searchbox = name=q = name=btnG

Create your first Test case in BDD

  1. Create new BDD file named suite-1.bdd in scenarios dir
  2. Open this file in BDD editor
  3. Create new Scenario with name 'SampleTest', Description 'Sample Test Scenario' and group 'SMOKE'.
    • if you are using QAS create new scenario following new scenario wizard
    • if you are using eclipse with QAF bdd editor press ctrl+space and select Scenario snnipet
  4. You will have scenario skeleton ready as below:
 SCENARIO: SampleTest
 META-DATA: {"description":"Sample Test Scenario","groups":["SMOKE"]}

  1. Call teststeps in your Scenario. To start with for this example of google you can call predefined steps avialable with QAF-Support jar (Make sure that ivy has QAF-Support dependency added). Call steps as bellow

    SCENARIO: SampleTest
    META-DATA: {"description":"Sample Test Scenario","groups":["SMOKE"]}
        Given get '/'
        When sendkeys 'Git reporsitory QAF' into 'txt.searchbox'
        And submit 'txt.searchbox'
        Then verify link with partial text 'qaf' is present 

Create your first Test case in Java

  1. Create new Java Class extending 'com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.WebDriverTestCase' under package qaf.example.tests in src dir. Refer Creating a Java class for help. Your class should look like:
package qaf.example.tests;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.WebDriverTestCase;
import static com.qmetry.qaf.automation.step.CommonStep.*;

public class Suite1 extends WebDriverTestCase {

  1. create new test method SampleTest, add import statement import org.testng.annotations.Test;, provide @Test annotation, set decription and groups
	@Test(description="Sample Test Scenario", groups={"SMOKE"})
   public void testGoogleSearch() {
  1. add import statement import static com.qmetry.qaf.automation.step.CommonStep.*;. Use content assist (ctrl + SPACE) to refer available methods. Call steps in test method as bellow:
      sendKeys("Git reporsitory QAF", "txt.searchbox");

your complete class with testcase will look like

package qaf.example.tests;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.qmetry.qaf.automation.ui.WebDriverTestCase;
import static com.qmetry.qaf.automation.step.CommonStep.*;

public class Suite1 extends WebDriverTestCase {

   @Test(description="Sample Test Scenario", groups={"SMOKE"})
   public void testGoogleSearch() {
      sendKeys("Git reporsitory QAF", "txt.searchbox");

Next: Exercise-3: Run Your First Test


  1. Understating Directory Structure:link:
  2. Locator Repository:link:
  3. Test Authoring in BDD:link: