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Add daily tasks to your Minecraft server

Plugin every day randomizes 3 task to complete - if player will complete all tasks in month, then player will get special month reward

Tested Minecraft versions:

1.18.2 1.19.3


Put dailytasks.jar from to your plugins folder and restart the server.

Supported events

- join        // Join event, eg. join 1 server
- kill        // Kill event, eg. kill 20 zombie
- break       // Break block event, eg. break 64 dirt
- place       // Place block event, eg. place 128 spruce_log
- pickup      // Pickup (how many items, not how many times) item event, eg. pickup 32 slime_ball
- T_pickup    // Pickup (how many times, not how many items) item event, eg. T_pickup 5 dirt
- drop        // Drop (how many items, not how many times) item event, eg. drop 64 stone
- T_drop      // Drop (how many times, not how many items) item event, eg. T_drop 10 diamond_sword
- craft       // Craft (how many items, not how many times) item event, eg. craft 1 cake
- T_craft     // Craft (how many times, not how many items) item event, eg. craft 10 diamond_pickaxe
- enchant     // Enchant item event, eg. enchant 1 diamond_sword
- fish        // Fish (using fishing rod) event, eg. fish 64 pufferfish
- catch       // Catch (using fishing rod) entity, eg. catch 10 wolf
- shoot       // Shoot event, eg. shoot 20 bow
- throw       // Throw event, eg. throw 64 snowball, throw 10 trident
- command     // Send command event (without arguments), eg. command 30 /ae
- chat        // Send chat message event, eg. chat 10 Wiggle-Wiggle
- breed       // Breed animals event, eg. breed 10 cow
- sign        // Edit sign event, eg. sign 10 This_is_my_house
- furnace     // Take from furnace event, eg. furnace 15 glass (glass is a product)
- eat         // Eat event, eg. eat 64 apple



deleteOldData - When set to true old data (from previous or older month) will be deleted from local file
saveInterval - Set interval to save all files automatically
logSave - When set to true then information on save will be printed to console

Default configuration:

    deleteOldData: false
    saveInterval: 300
    logSave: true

You need at least 3 tasks in task pool to start this plugin
Use %rdm% for random number
* means anything, eg. kill 10 * means kill 10 of any entity

enabled - If set to true task is enabled and can be loaded into task pool
event - What player need to do to complete this task
numberMin - Min number for random number (%rdm%)
numberMax - Max number for random number (%rdm%)

Default configuration:

    enabled: true
    event: "kill %rdm% villager"
    numberMin: 1
    numberMax: 10
    enabled: true
    event: "kill %rdm% spider"
    numberMin: 10
    numberMax: 30
    enabled: true
    event: "break %rdm% *"
    numberMin: 30
    numberMax: 60

You need at least 1 day reward and 1 month reward in reward pool to start this plugin
Use %rdm% for random number
Use %player% for player

enabled - If set to true reward is enabled and can be loaded into reward pool
command - This command is executing by console when player is getting reward
numberMin - Min number for random number (%rdm%)
numberMax - Max number for random number (%rdm%)

Default configuration:

    enabled: true
    command: "give %player% minecraft:emerald %rdm%"
    numberMin: 10
    numberMax: 15

    enabled: true
    command: "give %player% minecraft:diamond_block %rdm%"
    numberMin: 10
    numberMax: 32

Manually modifying this file could cause plugin crashes!


lastRandomized - Specifies last date when tasks and rewards was randomized. If this date doesn't equals actual date, the new tasks (and rewards) will be randomized
fakeCalendar - Fakecalendar info. If you're using fake calendar then actual fakecalendar date will be saved in this field

  lastRandomized: 2023/3/23
  fakeCalendar: 2023 3 23 0 16 06


#date - Certain date contains list of 3 items (tasks) which have to been completed in this date. You can modify them, doesn't depend on task pool

  - break 10 obsidian
  - kill 12 zombie
  - breed 5 cow
  - place 128 *
  - eat 32 apple
  - fish 5 cod


#date - Date is a key, value contains command which will be executed when player complete all tasks in this day. Can be modified, doesn't depend on reward pool

  2023/3/22: give %player% emerald 16
  2023/3/23: give %player% diamond 32
  2023/3/24: say %player% completed today's tasks!


#month - Year/month is a key, value contains command which will be executed when player complete all tasks in this month. Can be modified, doesn't depend on reward pool

  2023/2: give %player% diamond_block 32
  2023/3: give %player% netherite_ingot 48
  2023/4: give %player% emerald_block 64

Commands & Permissions

/dt - Shows this month tasks, permission to complete any daily task dt.use
/dt help - Shows help page, this permission let to use sub-commands of /dt dt.manage
/dt reload - Reload configuration. Do not use when you're changing SQL info dt.reload
/dt fakecalendar - Create fake calendar dt.fakecalendar
/dt removefake - Remove fake calendar dt.removefake
/dt autocomplete - Mark date as auto-complete dt.setautocomplete
/dt checkauto - Check if date is marked as auto-complete dt.checkauto
/dt complete - Complete (day/date/ptask index for this day) for player dt.complete (,, dt.complete.task)
/dt checkcomplete - Check if player has completed (day/date/task index) dt.checkcomplete (,, dt.checkcomplete.task)
/dt checktasks - Check tasks for specified date (if available) dt.checktasks
/dt checkrewards - Check rewards for specified date (if available) dt.checkrewards
/dt taskpool - Shows task pool dt.taskpool
/dt rewardpool - Shows reward pool dt.rewardpool
/dt reserve - Reserve task/daily reward/monthly reward dt.reserve (dt.reserve.task, dt.reserve.reward,, dt.reserve.reward.month)
/dt add - Add task/daily reward/monthly reward to pool dt.add (dt.add.task, dt.add.reward,, dt.add.reward.month)