Contains my vimrc and my Vim cheat sheet.
- D. Neil: Practical Vim (2nd edition) — Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2015
- A. Robbins, E. Hannah: Learning the vi & Vim Editors (8th edition) — O'Reilly, 2021
- Vimcasts
- Vim's offcial website
The first book is exceptionally good. The second one might be better suited as an introduction to Vim, although frankly I didn't like it that much when I read (an older edition of) it. The third resource is a great website that contains articles and short videos on various Vim features.
- Vundle — A popular plugin manager for Vim.
- Pathogen — Another popular plugin manager.
- UltiSnips — Supports the convenient implementation of code snippets in Vim, both language-dependent and language-independent; very useful.
- ALE — Provides syntax checking in various languages.
- surround.vim — A plugin that facilitates and automates the manipulation of delimiters (such as brackets, parentheses, HTML tags, etc.).
- A vast collection of Vim-colorschemes
- NERDTree — A filesystem explorer for Vim.
- VimTeX — A popular package for working with LaTeX in Vim.
- Python-mode — Filetype plugin for Python.
- vim-flake8 — Automatically runs Python scripts through Flake8, a static syntax and style checker for Python.
- Haskell-Vim — Filetype plugin for the Haskell programming language.
- vim-racket — A plugin to write Racket (a Scheme dialect) programs in Vim.