A pipeline orchestration library executing tasks within one python session. It takes care of SQL table (de)materialization, caching and cache invalidation. Blob storage is supported as well for example for storing model files.
This is an early stage version 0.x, however, it is already used in real projects. We are happy to receive your feedback as issues on the GitHub repo. Feel free to also comment on existing issues to extend them to your needs or to add solution ideas.
To install the package locally in development mode, you will need to install pixi. For those who haven't used pixi before, it is a poetry style dependency management tool based on conda/micromamba/conda-forge package ecosystem. The conda-forge repository has well maintained packages for Linux, macOS, and Windows supporting both ARM and X86 architectures. Especially, installing psycopg2 in a portable way got much easier with pixi. In addition, pixi is really strong in creating lock files for reproducible environments (including system libraries) with many essential features missing in alternative tools like poetry (see pixi.toml).
Docker is used to test against Postgres, MS SQL Server, and DB2 database targets. The bulk of unit tests requires a Postgres test database to be up and running which can be started with docker-compose. Pixi can also help you install docker-compose if it is not already part of your docker (or alternative container runtime) installation:
pixi global install docker-compose
Currently, development on pipedag is not tested with Windows. Installing packages with pixi should work. If you are interested in contributing with Windows, please submit an issue and we will try to help you with initial setup problems.
To install pydiverse pipedag try this:
git clone https://github.com/pydiverse/pydiverse.pipedag.git
cd pydiverse.pipedag
# Create the environment, activate it and install the pre-commit hooks
pixi install # see pixi.toml for more environments
pixi run pre-commit install
You can also use alternative environments as you find them in pixi.toml:
pixi install -e py312
pixi run -e py312 pre-commit install
Please, bear in mind, that we currently still want to be python 3.9 compatible while always supporting the newest python version available on conda-forge.
When using Pycharm, you might find it useful that we install a conda
executable stub you can
use for creating conda interpreters: <pydiverse.pipedag checkout>/.pixi/envs/default/libexec/conda
For more information, see here.
Most tests are based on a Postgres container running. You can launch it with a working docker-compose setup via:
docker-compose down; docker-compose up
The down command helps ensure a clean state within the databases launched.
After installation and launching docker container in the background, you should be able to run:
pixi run pytest --workers 4
You can peak in pytest.ini and github actions to see different parameters to launch more tests.
pixi run pytest --workers=auto --mssql --duckdb --snowflake --pdtransform --ibis --polars --dask --prefect
for --ibm_db2
, see the IBM DB2 development section.
A flow can look like this (see example/run_pipeline.py
import tempfile
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa
from pydiverse.pipedag import Flow, Stage, Table, materialize
from pydiverse.pipedag.context import StageLockContext
from pydiverse.pipedag.core.config import create_basic_pipedag_config
from pydiverse.pipedag.util.structlog import setup_logging
def lazy_task_1():
return sa.select(
@materialize(lazy=True, input_type=sa.Table)
def lazy_task_2(input1: sa.Alias, input2: sa.Alias):
query = sa.select(
(input1.c.x * 5).label("x5"),
).select_from(input1.outerjoin(input2, input2.c.x == input1.c.x))
return Table(query, name="task_2_out", primary_key=["a"])
@materialize(lazy=True, input_type=sa.Table)
def lazy_task_3(input1: sa.Alias):
return sa.text(f"SELECT * FROM {input1.original.schema}.{input1.original.name}")
@materialize(lazy=True, input_type=sa.Table)
def lazy_task_4(input1: sa.Alias):
return sa.text(f"SELECT * FROM {input1.original.schema}.{input1.original.name}")
@materialize(nout=2, version="1.0.0")
def eager_inputs():
dfA = pd.DataFrame(
"a": [0, 1, 2, 4],
"b": [9, 8, 7, 6],
dfB = pd.DataFrame(
"a": [2, 1, 0, 1],
"x": [1, 1, 2, 2],
return Table(dfA, "dfA"), Table(dfB, "dfB_%%")
@materialize(version="1.0.0", input_type=pd.DataFrame)
def eager_task(tbl1: pd.DataFrame, tbl2: pd.DataFrame):
return tbl1.merge(tbl2, on="x")
def main():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
cfg = create_basic_pipedag_config(
disable_stage_locking=True, # This is special for duckdb
# Attention: If uncommented, stage and task names might be sent to the following URL.
# You can self-host kroki if you like:
# https://docs.kroki.io/kroki/setup/install/
# kroki_url="https://kroki.io",
with cfg:
with Flow() as f:
with Stage("stage_1"):
lazy_1 = lazy_task_1()
a, b = eager_inputs()
with Stage("stage_2"):
lazy_2 = lazy_task_2(lazy_1, b)
lazy_3 = lazy_task_3(lazy_2)
eager = eager_task(lazy_1, b)
with Stage("stage_3"):
lazy_4 = lazy_task_4(lazy_2)
_ = lazy_3, lazy_4, eager # unused terminal output tables
# Run flow
result = f.run()
assert result.successful
# Run in a different way for testing
with StageLockContext():
result = f.run()
assert result.successful
assert result.get(lazy_1, as_type=pd.DataFrame)["x"][0] == 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
setup_logging() # you can setup the logging and/or structlog libraries as you wish
Attention: sa.Alias only exists for SQLAlchemy >= 2.0. Use sa.Table or sa.sql.expression.Alias for older versions.
The with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
is only needed to have an OS independent temporary directory available.
You can also get rid of it like this:
def main():
cfg = create_basic_pipedag_config(
disable_stage_locking=True, # This is special for duckdb
A more realistic example can be found in example_postgres/run_pipeline.py
Please note that there are pipedag.yaml
and docker-compose.yaml
files in the example directory.
This is also described on
You can run this example with bash
as follows:
cd example_postgres
docker-compose up
and in another terminal
cd example_postgres
pixi run python run_pipeline.py
Finally, you may connect to your localhost postgres database pipedag_default
look at tables in schemas stage_1
If you don't have a SQL UI at hand, you may use psql
command line tool inside the docker container.
Check out the NAMES
column in docker ps
output. If the name of your postgres container is
, then you can look at output tables like this:
docker exec example_postgres_1 psql --username=sa --dbname=pipedag_default -c 'select * from stage_1.dfa;'
Or more interactively:
docker exec -t -i example_postgres_1 bash
psql --username=sa --dbname=pipedag_default
\dt stage_*.*
select * from stage_2.task_2_out;
The ibm_db
package is only available on the following platforms: linux-64, osx-arm64, win-64.
Because of this, the IBM DB2 drivers are only available in the py312ibm
and py39ibm
You can run tests using pixi run -e py312ibm pytest --ibm_db2
Install via Microsoft's instructions for Linux or macOS.
In one Linux installation case, odbcinst -j
revealed that it installed the configuration in /etc/unixODBC/*
But conda installed pyodbc brings its own odbcinst
executable and that shows odbc config files are expected in
. Symlinks were enough to fix the problem. Try pixi run python -c 'import pyodbc;print(pyodbc.drivers())'
and see whether you get more than an empty list.
Same happened for MacOS. The driver was installed in /opt/homebrew/etc/odbcinst.ini
but pyodbc expected it in
. This can also be solved by sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/etc/odbcinst.ini /etc/odbcinst.ini
Furthermore, make sure you use instead of localhost. It seems that /etc/hosts is ignored.
Pydiverse.pipedag doesn't support pydiverse.transform 0.2.0 - 0.2.2, please consider using a newer Version, or downgrading to pydiverse.transform 0.1.6.
The current versions of pydiverse.transform do not support ibm-db2 backend.
- bump version number in pyproject.toml
- set correct release date in changelog.md
- push increased version number to
branch - tag commit with
git tag <version>
, e.g.git tag 0.7.0
git push --tags
The package should appear on https://pypi.org/project/pydiverse-pipedag/ in a timely manner. It is normal that it takes a few hours until the new package version is available on https://conda-forge.org/packages/.
Packages are first released on test.pypi.org:
- bump version number in pyproject.toml (check consistency with changelog.md)
- push increased version number to
branch pixi run -e release hatch build
pixi run -e release twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
- verify with https://test.pypi.org/search/?q=pydiverse.pipedag
Finally, they are published via:
git tag <version>
git push --tags
- Attention: Please, only continue here, if automatic publishing fails for some reason!
pixi run -e release hatch build
pixi run -e release twine upload --repository pypi dist/*
Conda-forge packages are updated via:
- Attention: Please, only continue here, if automatic conda-forge publishing fails for longer than 24h!
- https://github.com/conda-forge/pydiverse-pipedag-feedstock#updating-pydiverse-pipedag-feedstock
- update
- test meta.yaml in pipedag repo:
conda-build build ../pydiverse-pipedag-feedstock/recipe/meta.yaml
- commit
to branch of fork and submit PR