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Welcome to IGA-Python

This project provides a tutorial for isogeometric analysis (IGA) using Python and the Psydac library (pyccel/psydac). The numerical examples can be consulted online at, or run with Jupyter Notebook on a personal computer.

Editing and building IGA-Python locally

  1. Clone this repository and then install the required dependencies.
git clone
cd IGA-Python

# Install dependencies on a virtual environment
python3 -m venv iga-python-env
source iga-python-env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements_ntbk.txt
  1. Install Psydac. Skip this step if Psydac is already installed.
# Modify these variables if you're using your own psydac fork/branch

# Install psydac
pip install git+${PSYDAC_REMOTE}@${BRANCH}
  1. Run or modify the desired Python notebooks (*.ipynb) and Markdown files (*.md). Check the MyST syntax cheat sheet for reference.


Before committing changes to git, the notebooks have to be cleaned first. See "Committing your changes to git" for more information.

  1. Build the docs by running make under the IGA-Python folder. This involves running all *.ipynb files in the background to make sure they are functional.
  1. View your changes on the browser.
open ${IGA_PYTHON_DIR}/_build/html/index.html

Committing your changes to git

Running the Python notebooks embeds extra information like the name of virtual environment, Python version used, cell outputs, etc. The notebooks should be free of system- and runtime-specific information before committing them to source control. We suggest the following commit workflow:

  1. Run nb-clean on the modified notebook/s. There are different ways to run this command:
# Clean a single notebook
nb-clean clean --remove-empty-cells --remove-all-notebook-metadata chapter1/poisson.ipynb

# Clean all '.ipynb' files under IGA-Python
make clean-notebooks

# Automatically run nb-clean on `git add`-ed *.ipynb files
nb-clean add-filter --remove-empty-cells --remove-all-notebook-metadata

# Undo previous command
nb-clean remove-filter
  1. Create a branch for your local changes, e.g. git checkout -b my-local-fixes.
  2. Stage the modified files with git add. Then run git diff to check if the changed *.ipynb notebooks doesn't include unnecessary diffs (e.g. notebook metadata).
  3. git commit your changes.
  4. OPTIONAL. Share your changes to this repo via a pull request.


There are several ways to contribute to this project. If you find a problem, please check if this is already discussed in one of our issues and feel free to add your opinion; if not, please create a new issue. If you want to fix an issue, improve our notebooks, or add a new example, please fork our Git repository, make and commit your changes, and create a pull request (PRs).

All PRs are reviewed by the project maintainers. During the PR review, GitHub workflows are triggered on various platforms. These workflows build the notebooks and prepare them to be deployed as a static HTML website to Deploy does not happen before the final merge of the PR, but the HTML files can be downloaded as a zip file from GitHub, and opened with any browser for inspection. To download the zip file, select the workflow run of interest from the Actions tab, click on Summary, and look under Artifacts.