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larjona edited this page Dec 23, 2016 · 4 revisions

Call for meeting


Feel free to add to this before the meeting!


[21:02:09] <larjona> #############################################################

[21:02:09] <larjona> BEGIN LOG

[21:02:09] <larjona> #############################################################

[21:02:09] <larjona> Dear all, welcome to this community meeting!

[21:02:09] <larjona> Info URL:

[21:02:09] <larjona>

[21:02:09] <larjona> If anybody wants their nick redacted just say here or direct message to me.

[21:02:09] <larjona> First, as always, roll call meanwhile people is coming. Who's here? Say hello!

[21:02:09] -*- larjona is here ;)

[21:02:21] -*- strugee is here

[21:02:24] <Sazius> hello

[21:02:34] -*- jxself levitates

[21:03:11] <xmpp-pump> ***ssweeny waves

[21:04:26] -*- paroneayea is inttermittently here :)

[21:04:32] <larjona> let's wait 2 minutes more...

[21:07:17] <strugee> \o/

[21:07:27] <BenC__> Happy Friday, pumpverse! Hope you are staying warmer than Mars today.

[21:07:42] <BenC__>

[21:08:42] <larjona> ok, let's continue

[21:09:06] <larjona> TOPIC: Updates from last meeting's tasks

[21:09:39] <larjona> I've sent a mail to Evan, today, about last month's meeting

[21:10:11] <larjona> * We have opened issue #1247 to setup a "uptime"-like service for the pump network. Any updates here?

[21:10:12] <pumabot> Issue 1247: Provide a "status" wiki page or something that tracks the uptime of the different servers in the network (OPEN -

[21:10:24] <strugee> I was supposed to do this

[21:10:34] <strugee> but wasn't able to get to it because server crash :/

[21:11:36] <larjona> Last morning I did a round on the E14N servers and reported to the admin all the issues I saw (some of them down, some others cert expired, etc). OTOH I didn't contact Jan for his script. I can do it this month, so no pressure, strugee

[21:11:50] <strugee> neat

[21:12:26] <larjona> * Security support: I sent mail to Evan requesting the mail alias, no answers yet (I sent it today).

[21:13:02] <larjona> We may need to write somewhere our commitment to security. Posting from the last meeting log:

[21:13:24] <larjona> (correct me if I'm wrong)

[21:13:25] <larjona> ---

[21:13:26] <pumabot> - has -1 points

[21:13:26] <larjona> We release every two months. We support the current release and the release before that always. If there was a semver-major release within the past 6 months, then we extend the support window to three releases back. That gives admins some extra time to migrate to the new major release.

[21:13:28] <larjona> ---

[21:13:52] <strugee> yeah, sounds about right

[21:13:55] <strugee> we should put that in the wiki

[21:13:57] <strugee> speaking of which

[21:14:33] <strugee> (I might have asked this already but) generally speaking does it make sense to people to keep technical docs (e.g. installation guides, the user guide, etc.) in ReadTheDocs

[21:14:55] <strugee> and project policy/community stuff (e.g. release information, meeting logs, etc.) in the wiki?

[21:15:50] <larjona> it makes sense, IMO. Any counterpart?

[21:16:49] <larjona> (I think we already settled on this, maybe not officially, though)

[21:18:32] <larjona> so... any volunteer to put the security info in the wiki?

[21:18:38] <strugee> I can do it

[21:18:54] <strugee> I'll put it in a page with a description of the release schedule too

[21:19:35] <larjona> fine

[21:19:57] <larjona> I have no other updates from last month

[21:20:04] <strugee> me either

[21:20:15] <strugee> I went through and triaged a bunch of issues

[21:20:22] <strugee> closed like 10, labeled like 20 more or something

[21:20:28] <strugee> so that's nice

[21:20:51] <larjona> thanks for that!

[21:20:58] <strugee> sure!

[21:21:17] <strugee> also fyi @all I created a "protocol" label on GitHub to track issues that would require protocol changes/extensions

[21:21:58] <strugee> paroneayea: I totally forgot to mention it at the time but that ^^^ was why I asked you about the Community Group

[21:22:15] <BenC__> my only concern with ReadTheDocs, is I can't find a license anywhere

[21:22:19] <strugee> since we'd probably want to do changes like that in ActivityPub extensions

[21:22:21] <paroneayea> strugee: :)

[21:22:41] <strugee> BenC__: good point, forgot about that. we should fix that anyway though.

[21:22:53] <BenC__> this is all it says: © Copyright 2016, Jan Kusanagi, Mats Sjöberg, Alex Jordan & contributors.

[21:23:09] <BenC__> which I think is misleading, since I'm sure this is intended to have some libre license

[21:23:32] <strugee> it probably should but doesn't currently

[21:23:40] <strugee> I think I opened an issue about it

[21:24:00] <BenC__> best to clarify that before too many people start contributing to it

[21:24:38] <Sazius> FWIW I'm OK with any CC license on my parts :-)

[21:25:03] <Sazius> or any other libre license most likely

[21:25:09] <strugee> yeah same

[21:25:20] <strugee> we only have 3 contributors IIRC, should be pretty easy

[21:25:27] <BenC__> haha, perfect

[21:25:46] <BenC__> I think either Apache (like the code) or CC BY SA makes the most sense

[21:25:58] <strugee> I'd prefer CC-BY-SA 4.0 but it may make sense to do just CC-BY 4.0 because core is licensed Apache 2.0

[21:26:13] <strugee> BenC__: Apache's a software license though, right?

[21:26:44] <BenC__> Apache speficially might not work well for documentation, but it's often a good practice to license your code and docs the same

[21:27:03] <BenC__> so that they can travel around together, and people don't have to worry about complying with multiple licenses

[21:27:15] <strugee> hmm

[21:27:20] <strugee> ok

[21:27:25] <strugee> maybe we should ask Evan what he thinks

[21:27:28] <larjona> I would double license Apache 2.0 and CC-By

[21:27:38] <strugee> that's a good idea

[21:28:01] <larjona> I can take the task of mailing every contributor to the docs plus Evan and try to fix this issue

[21:28:09] <strugee> neat

[21:28:17] <strugee> thx larjona

[21:28:27] <larjona> Any other topic? I think for the rest of the agenda we would need Evan's input

[21:29:05] <BenC__> double license makes the most sense

[21:29:37] <strugee> I don't have anything else

[21:30:31] <strugee> so the only ReadTheDocs contributor I see who I don't know is Simon Volpert

[21:30:45] <strugee> otherwise it's just me, Jan and Sazius

[21:30:46] <BenC__> this is a silly issue, but has anyone filed a bug yet for the embedded YouTube issue on the web interface?

[21:31:00] <larjona> yes and it's fixed AFAIK

[21:31:08] <strugee> BenC__: you mean where videos are repeated?

[21:31:18] <BenC__> strugee, that's exactly the one

[21:31:34] <BenC__> I use so it is possibly not running the latest software

[21:31:57] <strugee> BenC__: someone filed #1249 about it and it got patched in 2.0.5

[21:31:59] <pumabot> Issue 1249: YouTube thumbnails videos are not well integrated in the web UI (CLOSED -

[21:32:11] <BenC__> awesome!

[21:32:59] <BenC__> that would explain why I didn't see it in the open issues

[21:33:04] <strugee> :)

[21:33:10] <strugee> is running 2.0.4 apparently

[21:33:57] <strugee> when I get around to setting up that monitoring package it might be nice to also patch it so it checks what servers are running out-of-date pump versions

[21:34:27] <larjona> how can a external person know which version is running a certain pump server?

[21:34:38] <BenC__> it's not visible on the basic web UI

[21:35:06] <strugee> it's sent in every HTTP response, in the Server header

[21:35:33] <BenC__> yup, I just checked it with a "curl -I" command

[21:35:42] <strugee> so e.g. if you have httpie installed (which I would highly recommend over curl for these sorts of things) you can do http HEAD``

[21:35:45] <pumabot> Welcome -

[21:35:52] <strugee> BenC__: that works too :)

[21:36:39] <BenC__> this would be a good data point for inclusion in automatic monitoring

[21:36:48] <BenC__> it's certainly easier to check that programmatically than by hand

[21:37:08] <strugee> yeah exactly

[21:38:56] <larjona> so, anything else?

[21:39:47] <strugee> not that I can think of

[21:39:51] <strugee> general announcement:

[21:39:54] <larjona> ah, I forgot one thing

[21:39:55] <strugee> the 2.1.0 beta is out

[21:40:04] <larjona> thanks strugee

[21:40:08] <strugee> so test! though I'm not expecting any issues, it's real small

[21:40:19] <Sazius> I'm not sure what topic we are on, but still says "Version 1.0.0"

[21:40:20] <pumabot> by e14n

[21:40:37] <strugee> Sazius: thanks

[21:40:47] -*- strugee adds "finish the website rewrite" to his agenda

[21:41:02] <larjona> the spreadsheet for the node adoption is blank now, I'm not sure what happened. Maybe somebody deleted the contents when it got published in LWN (maybe Evan, maybe other)

[21:41:04] <Sazius> Also the news on it seriously out of date :-)

[21:42:35] <strugee> Sazius: that'll be fixed by the rewrite too

[21:42:50] <strugee> fyi that work is at strugee/

[21:43:04] <larjona> So I have a copy from some months ago but I'm not sure if putting it back or not. I'll ask Evan about it, maybe he does not want that info public anymore (or at least, until he answers the current adoption requests)

[21:43:10] <strugee> since I don't have permission to create pump-io/

[21:48:07] * larjona ha cambiado el tema del canal de a: "Social stream server | | 2.0.5 is out! 2.1.0 beta is out! | User Guide: | Community meeting today! Log of last meeting:"

[21:48:29] <larjona> ok, anything else?

[21:50:56] <BenC__> not from me

[21:52:33] <strugee> same

[21:53:01] <larjona> ok, thanks everybody!

[21:53:04] <larjona> you can go dance now

[21:53:15] <larjona> #############################################################

[21:53:15] <larjona> END LOG

[21:53:15] <larjona> #############################################################

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