To get the Node server running locally:
- Clone this repo
npm install
to install all required dependencies- MySQL : AWS RDS, MongoDB : AWS DynamoDB
node web.js
orpm2 start web.js
| web.js # App entry point
|- config (.gitignore) # Set Environment variables
| |- caIdx.js # Environment variables for Calling Public API
| |- mongodb.js # Environment variables for Calling MongoDB (AWS DynamoDB)
| ββ index.js # Environment variables for Calling MySQL (AWS RDS)
|- api # Custom Functions
| |- caIdx.js # Custom Functions for Public API
| |- mongodb.js # Custom Functions for MongoDB (AWS DynamoDB)
| ββ mysql.js # Custom Functions for MySQL (AWS RDS)
|- controllers # All the Business logic
| |- api.js # Get Cold and Asthma Index
| ββ user.js # Sign up/Sign in, Store/Update/Send User Information
|- cron # Define tasks to be Repeated at Specific times
| ββ caIdx.js # Update Cold and Asthma Index Every day
|- ml_disease # Calculate the Incidence of Diseases
| ββ user.js
ββ routes # Express route controllers for all the endpoints of the app
|- story.js
|- tutorial.js
ββ user.js
- body-parser - Middleware for Parsing incoming request bodies
- date-utils - To Represent Date usefully
- dotenv - For Loading environment variables from a .env
- express - The server for handling and routing HTTP requests
- mongoose - For modeling and mapping MongoDB data to javascript
- mysql2 - For modeling and mapping MySQL data to javascript
- node-schedule - To schedule tasks to be executed at a specific time
- python-shell - For Running Python scripts