After the pandemic people had lost all their resources that were crucial for living life.There was destruction of the economy all over the world.
People were not able to fulfill the basic needs of day to day life.Apart of all these the education system which is backbone of our young precious
gems of country suffered a huge lost due to this pandemic so called “COVID-19”. Many of students lost their earning source due to this which education
was not available to them.But the country should rise and shine and education mustgo on.So we came up with the scholarship to those students who lost
their earning source during this bad time.
Many people's minds have been thrown off by COVID-19, leaving them unclear of
what they believe and don't believe. As we all know many problems have arised due
to the covid-19 crises all over the world. All the facilities and education system
suffered a huge loss. As education is the basic priority of all, it must be given to all
to make the country bright. Main aim of scholarship is that it will provide various
types of scholarship to students who lost their parents and this will fulfill their
educational need.So basically the main aim of the scheme is covered this project.
Step 1: Install Python and MySQL.
Step 2: Download GitHub Repository.
Step 3: Installation of Libraries.
pip intall pillow
pip install cryptography
pip install pymysql
pip install fpdf
Step 4: Go to Command Prompt.
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server X.X\bin\mysql" mysql -u root -p
source path\to\database.sql
Step 5: Add Password in databaseAddress() function.
Step 6: Go to Code Editor Terminal
python -u "path\to\"