PHP PDO Wrapper with Config
The Config\Factory let's you dynamically instantiate a class that implements the ConfigInterface in case your current configurations are not using a standard PDO DSN.
use PDO;
use Useless\Pdo\Config\Factory;
use Useless\Pdo\Config\AbstractConfig;
$config = array(
AbstractConfig::DRIVER => Factory::CONFIG_MYSQL,
AbstractConfig::HOST => 'localhost',
AbstractConfig::DBNAME => 'test',
AbstractConfig::CHARSET => 'utf8',
AbstractConfig::USERNAME => 'username',
AbstractConfig::PASSWORD => 'password',
$factory = new Factory();
$config = $factory->getConfig( $config );
$pdo = new PDO( $config->getDsn(), $config->getUsername(), $config->getPassword(), $config->getOptions() );
foreach ( $config->getAttributes() as $attribute => $value ) {
$pdo->setAttribute( $attribute, $value );
Instantiation can be done the same as with the native PDO class: a data source name, username, password, and driver options. An additional parameter allows for passing attributes to be set after the connection is made.
use Useless\Pdo\Wrapper;
$pdo = new Wrapper(
array(), # driver options as key/value pairs
array() # attributes to be set after connection as key/value pairs
Or you may instantiate with a class that extends the Useless\Pdo\ConfigInterface.
use Useless\Pdo\Wrapper;
$config = $factory->getConfig( $config );
$pdo = new Wrapper( $config );