This API exposes some interesting features that regular Flapjack API doesn't have
- Print length of
queues - Show events that are still in the queue
- Purge any of the mentioned queues if any of them is overflowed with events
- Permanently delete all checks for named entity (current Flapjack API on version 1.6 will allow you only to disable checks)
- Push events directly to
queue on master Redis
This API requires python2.7 and some additional modules that are specified in the requirements.txt
Install pew
(python environment wrapper)
pip2 install pew
Create dirs
mkdir -p /data/pew/virtualenvs
mkdir -p /etc/flapjack_queues
mkdir -p /var/log/flapjack_queues
Clone repo
git clone https://<fqdn>/<username>/flapjack_queues.git /data/pew/flapjack_queues
cd /data/pew/flapjack_queues
Create a new virtualenv for flapjack_queues
WORKON_HOME="/data/pew/virtualenvs" pew new -a /data/pew/flapjack_queues -r requirements.txt flapjack_queues
Enter virtualenv (previous commad will enter virtualenv at the end)
WORKON_HOME=/data/pew/virtualenvs pew workon flapjack_queues
Copy and modify flapjack_queues
configuration file
cp /data/pew/flapjack_queues/flapjack_queues.json /etc/flapjack_queues/flapjack_queues.json
Copy and modify supervisor
configuration file
cp /data/pew/flapjack_queues/supervisor/flapjack_queues.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/flapjack_queues.conf
Add and start service
supervisorctl reread
supervisorctl add flapjack_queues
Docker build and run
docker build -t flapjack_queues .
docker run -itd --name flapjack_queues -p 8080:8080 flapjack_queues
JSON configuration file example
Note: master_node
has precedence over sentinels, in other words
if you define redis master node explicitly program will not use discover method (will ignore sentinels and master_group
Auto-discover redis master node:
"flapjack": {
"version": 1
"redis": {
"db": 0,
"master_group": "mymaster",
"sentinels": [
"host": "",
"port": 26379
"host": "",
"port": 26379
"host": "",
"port": 26379
Configuration with explicitly defined redis master node:
"flapjack": {
"version": 2
"redis": {
"db": 0,
"master_node": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379
Client side (requests):
Show length of all queues
curl -s '' | jq .
Show lenght of designated queue
curl -s '' | jq .
Show content of the first event
curl -s '' | jq .
Show content of the last event
curl -s '' | jq .
Show content of the last two events
curl -s '' | jq .
Delete/Purge notifications
curl -s -X DELETE ''
Delete entity
curl -s -X DELETE ''
Create a new event in the events
curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '@/path/to/event.json' ''
Note: All keys are mandatory
"entity": "",
"check": "Memory",
"type": "service",
"state": "ok",
"summary": "MEMORY OK : Mem used: 5.20%, Swap used: 0.00%",
"details": "Address: Tags:prod,base",
"time": 1474239783,
"tags": [
"initial_failure_delay": 120,
"repeat_failure_delay": 120
Author: Milos Buncic