Table of Contents
First, run doxygen with XML output on your project, Coverxygen will read generated file and produce an lcov compatible output.
Finally, run lcov
or genhtml
to produce the coverage output.
Alternatively, Coverxygen can also calculate the coverage and print a summary table when given the option --format summary
Coverxygen relies on doxygen to generate the documentation information.
sudo apt-get install doxygen
Additionally, if you want to generate coverage reports using lcov, this needs to be installed as well:
sudo apt-get install lcov
From pip
pip3 install coverxygen
From PPA Packages
link :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:psycofdj/coverxygen
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-coverxygen
Tell doxygen to generate an XML version of your doxyfile.cfg configuration
Then run doxygen
doxygen <path_to_your_doxygen.cfg>
python3 -m coverxygen --xml-dir <path_to_doxygen_xml_dir> --src-dir <path_to_root_source_dir> --output
Full usage :
usage: coverxygen [-h] [--version] [--verbose] [--json] [--format FORMAT]
[--prefix PREFIX] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--include INCLUDE]
[--scope SCOPE] [--kind KIND] --xml-dir XML_DIR --output
OUTPUT --src-dir SRC_DIR
required arguments:
--xml-dir XML_DIR path to generated doxygen XML directory
--output OUTPUT destination output file (- for stdout)
--src-dir SRC_DIR root source directory used to match prefix for relative path generated files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version print version and exit
--verbose enabled verbose output
--json (deprecated) same as --format json-legacy
--format FORMAT output file format :
lcov : lcov compatible format (default)
json-v3 : json format which includes summary information
json-v2 : simpler json format
json-v1 : legacy json format
json : (deprecated) same as json-v2
json-legacy : (deprecated) same as json-v1
json-summary : summary in json format
markdown-summary : ummary in markdown table format
summary : textual summary table format
--prefix PREFIX keep only file matching given path prefix
--exclude EXCLUDE exclude files whose absolute path matches a regular expression;
this option can be given multiple times
--include INCLUDE include files whose absolute path matches a regular expression
even if they also match an exclude filter (see --exclude) or if they
are not matching the patch prefix (see --prefix);
this option can be given multiple times
--scope SCOPE comma-separated list of item scopes to include :
- public : public member and global elements
- protected : protected member elements
- private : private member elements
- all : all above
--kind KIND comma-separated list of item types to include :
- enum : enum definitions
- enumvalue : enum value definitions
Note: a single undocumented enum value will mark
the containing enum as undocumented
- friend : friend declarations
- typedef : type definitions
- variable : variable definitions
- function : function definitions
- signal : Qt signal definitions
- slot : Qt slot definitions
- class : class definitions
- struct : struct definitions
- union : union definitions
- define : define definitions
- file : files
- namespace : namespace definitions
- page : documentation pages
- all : all above
lcov can be used to generate a simple console output based on documented lines :
lcov --summary
More interesting, produce a html-browsable coverage detail :
genhtml --no-function-coverage --no-branch-coverage -o .
# browse results in index.html
Classes : 90.5% (38/42)
Defines : 0.0% (0/2)
Enum Values: 12.3% (8/65)
Enums : 75.0% (3/4)
Files : 8.3% (2/24)
Functions : 64.8% (175/270)
Namespaces : 75.0% (6/8)
Pages : 100.0% (7/7)
Signals : 83.3% (5/6)
Slots : 28.6% (2/7)
Structs : 80.0% (4/5)
Typedefs : 39.1% (9/23)
Variables : 20.0% (8/40)
Total : 53.1% (267/503)
Special thanks to Alvaro Lopez Ortega <> who found a smart and efficient solution to retrieve doxygen informations from the generated xml.
You can find his work at alobbs/doxy-coverage
- j-ulrich for his many contributions
- antoniovazquezblanco for his many contributions