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202 lines (166 loc) · 5.42 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (166 loc) · 5.42 KB


Background Information

User journey flow

flowchart TD
 subgraph Campus_Geofencing["Campus_Geofencing"]
        D["Detect Campus Entry or Exit"]
        C["CampusLocationManager Geofence"]
        E["Activate Precise Location Tracking"]
        F["Stop Tracking"]
 subgraph Location_Identification["Location_Identification_Backend"]
        H["Calculate Nearest Area"]
        G["Precise Location Tracking with 10m Accuracy"]
        I["Update Backend with Area Name"]
 subgraph Frontend["Frontend"]
        J["Display Current Area to User"]
        K["Show Users in Same Area"]
 subgraph Meetup_Process["Meetup_Process"]
        L["User A Requests Meetup with User B"]
        M["Notify User B for Approval"]
        N{"Approval Granted?"}
        O["Redirect to Chat Interface"]
        P["End Request"]
 subgraph Chat_Interface["Chat_Interface"]
        Q["Chat Interface for Planning Meetup and Sharing Location"]
    C --> D
    D -- Enter --> E
    D -- Exit --> F
    G --> H
    H --> I
    I --> J
    J --> K
    K --> L
    L --> M
    M --> N
    N -- Yes --> O
    N -- No --> P
    O --> Q
    E --> G

How To Set Custom Location in Xcode Simulator

  1. In the simulator, go to Features > Location > Custom Location
  2. Enter the desired location in latitude and longitude:
    • Examples:
      • University of Calgary
        • latitude: 51.078621
        • longitude: -114.136719
      • Science A:
        • latitude: 51.079549
        • longitude: 114.127
      • Apple Park (already in the simulator):
        • latitude: 37.3349
        • longitude: -122.00902
  3. Click OK to set the custom location.


  1. Download Orbit by installing the zip file of this repository
  2. Build the app and open it to get started.


Architecture: MVVM + Services

The project uses the MVVM architecture with Services for backend calls where:

  1. Model (M): Enforces data types for data coming in and going to the database.
  2. View (V): Is the frontend graphic user interface (GUI/screen) the user interacts with.
  3. ViewModel (VM): Connects the Model to View ensuring the screens are redrawn with the data loaded in the ViewModel changes.
  4. Service: Are backend calls to the Appwrite database.



struct UserModel {
    let accountId: String
    let name: String

    init(accountId: String, name: String){
        self.accountId = accountId = name

typealias UserDocument = AppwriteModels.Document<UserModel>


struct UserView: View {
    // The ViewModels are declared at the App.swift level as follows:
    // @StateObject var userVM = UserViewModel()

    // To use a ViewModel in a screen add the following line
    @EnvironmentObject private var userVM: UserViewModel

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Update Name") {
                userVM.updateUser("New Name")


class UserViewModel {
   @Published var currentUser: UserModel?

   private var userService = UserService()
   func updateUser(accountId: String, updatedUser: UserModel) async {

     guard let updatedUserDocument = try await userService.updateUser(
                 accountId: accountId, updatedUser: updatedUser)
     else {
         throw NSError(domain: "User not found", code: 404, userInfo: nil)

     if id == currentUser?.accountId {
           // Update the currentUser
           self.currentUser = updatedUser


import Appwrite

class UserService {

    func getUser(_ accountId: String) async throws -> UserDocument? {
        let query = Query.equal(
            value: accountId
        )  // Query by accountId
        let response = try await appwriteService.databases.listDocuments<
            databaseId: appwriteService.databaseId,
            collectionId: collectionId,
            queries: [query],
            nestedType: UserModel.self

        // Check if any document was found
        if let document = response.documents.first {
            return document
        } else {
            throw NSError(domain: "User not found", code: 404, userInfo: nil)

    func updateUser(accountId: String, updatedUser: UserModel) async throws -> UserDocument?
        // Step (1): Find the documentId based on accountId
        guard let userDocument = try await getUser(accountId) else {
            print("Cannot update user")
            return nil

        let documentId =

        // Step (2): Perform update using the documentId
        let updatedDocument = try await appwriteService.databases
                databaseId: appwriteService.databaseId,
                collectionId: collectionId,
                documentId: documentId,
                data: updatedUser.toJson(),
                permissions: nil,
                nestedType: UserModel.self
        return updatedDocument