- this uses mermaid syntax. You can use the mermaid live editor to visualize the diagram
flowchart TD
subgraph Campus_Geofencing["Campus_Geofencing"]
D["Detect Campus Entry or Exit"]
C["CampusLocationManager Geofence"]
E["Activate Precise Location Tracking"]
F["Stop Tracking"]
subgraph Location_Identification["Location_Identification_Backend"]
H["Calculate Nearest Area"]
G["Precise Location Tracking with 10m Accuracy"]
I["Update Backend with Area Name"]
subgraph Frontend["Frontend"]
J["Display Current Area to User"]
K["Show Users in Same Area"]
subgraph Meetup_Process["Meetup_Process"]
L["User A Requests Meetup with User B"]
M["Notify User B for Approval"]
N{"Approval Granted?"}
O["Redirect to Chat Interface"]
P["End Request"]
subgraph Chat_Interface["Chat_Interface"]
Q["Chat Interface for Planning Meetup and Sharing Location"]
C --> D
D -- Enter --> E
D -- Exit --> F
G --> H
H --> I
I --> J
J --> K
K --> L
L --> M
M --> N
N -- Yes --> O
N -- No --> P
O --> Q
E --> G
- In the simulator, go to
Features > Location > Custom Location
- Enter the desired location in latitude and longitude:
- Examples:
- University of Calgary
- latitude: 51.078621
- longitude: -114.136719
- Science A:
- latitude: 51.079549
- longitude: 114.127
- Apple Park (already in the simulator):
- latitude: 37.3349
- longitude: -122.00902
- University of Calgary
- Examples:
- Click
to set the custom location.
- Download Orbit by installing the zip file of this repository
- Build the app and open it to get started.
The project uses the MVVM architecture with Services for backend calls where:
- Model (M): Enforces data types for data coming in and going to the database.
- View (V): Is the frontend graphic user interface (GUI/screen) the user interacts with.
- ViewModel (VM): Connects the Model to View ensuring the screens are redrawn with the data loaded in the ViewModel changes.
- Service: Are backend calls to the Appwrite database.
struct UserModel {
let accountId: String
let name: String
init(accountId: String, name: String){
self.accountId = accountId
self.name = name
typealias UserDocument = AppwriteModels.Document<UserModel>
struct UserView: View {
// The ViewModels are declared at the App.swift level as follows:
// @StateObject var userVM = UserViewModel()
// To use a ViewModel in a screen add the following line
@EnvironmentObject private var userVM: UserViewModel
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Update Name") {
userVM.updateUser("New Name")
class UserViewModel {
@Published var currentUser: UserModel?
private var userService = UserService()
func updateUser(accountId: String, updatedUser: UserModel) async {
guard let updatedUserDocument = try await userService.updateUser(
accountId: accountId, updatedUser: updatedUser)
else {
throw NSError(domain: "User not found", code: 404, userInfo: nil)
if id == currentUser?.accountId {
// Update the currentUser
self.currentUser = updatedUser
import Appwrite
class UserService {
func getUser(_ accountId: String) async throws -> UserDocument? {
let query = Query.equal(
value: accountId
) // Query by accountId
let response = try await appwriteService.databases.listDocuments<
databaseId: appwriteService.databaseId,
collectionId: collectionId,
queries: [query],
nestedType: UserModel.self
// Check if any document was found
if let document = response.documents.first {
return document
} else {
throw NSError(domain: "User not found", code: 404, userInfo: nil)
func updateUser(accountId: String, updatedUser: UserModel) async throws -> UserDocument?
// Step (1): Find the documentId based on accountId
guard let userDocument = try await getUser(accountId) else {
print("Cannot update user")
return nil
let documentId = userDocument.id
// Step (2): Perform update using the documentId
let updatedDocument = try await appwriteService.databases
databaseId: appwriteService.databaseId,
collectionId: collectionId,
documentId: documentId,
data: updatedUser.toJson(),
permissions: nil,
nestedType: UserModel.self
return updatedDocument