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Deploy and setup

pavel edited this page Mar 17, 2018 · 8 revisions


Check out a copy of the RichFilemanager from the repository using Git:

git clone

Or download the archive from Github:

You can place the RichFilemanager anywhere within your web serving root directory.

Important note: You have to install server-side connector of your favorite language additionally, see below.

Server-side connector installation

Before v2.4.0 RichFilemanager was configured to provide PHP connector deployed out of the box.

Since v2.4.0 PHP connector was moved to separate repository and have to be installed via composer.

Checkout installation and setup guides for server-side connectors which are going to be installed as additional packages:


  1. Make a copy of the default configuration file, removing the ".default" from the end of the filename.

  2. Make a copy of the default plugin loader file, removing the ".example" from the end of the filename.

  3. Explore and customize configuration options in the created configuration and loader files.

  4. Having a look on FAQ - Common issues


The RichFilemanager is designed to work without any special configuration but using it without any configuration is VERY unsafe.

Check out the description of connector that you use for details:



Open your fckconfig.js file and find the lines which specify what file browser to use for images, links, etc. Look toward the bottom of the file. You will need to change lines such as this:

FCKConfig.ImageBrowser = false;
FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath + "filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Type=Image&Connector=../../connectors/" + _FileBrowserLanguage + "/connector." + _FileBrowserExtension; this:

FCKConfig.ImageBrowser = true;
FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = "[Path to Filemanager]/index.html";
CKEditor 3.x or higher

Set the URL when you configure your instance, like so:

CKEDITOR.replace('instancename', {
    filebrowserBrowseUrl: "[Path to Filemanager]/index.html"
    // other configuration options

If you want to use the modal dialog mode (instead of pop-up), please refer to the dedicated wiki page.

TinyMCE (>= 3.0)

Create a Javascript callback function that will open the index.html base page (see URL below for examples) Add a line like: "file_browser_callback : 'name_of_callback_function'" in the tinyMCE.init command See for more details.

See also the dedicated wiki page, with TinyMCE 4 sample :