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Digital Logic Simulator

This Java program reads a logic circuit description, builds a data structure using gate and wire objects, and then simulates the circuit. A low-pass filter has been included for a realistic behavior.

It supports 4 kinds of gates and wires:

  • Input Gates
    • Input gates have three attributes:
      • an initial value, which must be 1 (for true) or 0 (for false)
      • a delay, which must be a positive floating point number
      • a change count, which must be a non-negative integer
    • Example: gate x input 1 1.0 0
  • Xor Gates
    • Xor gates have only one attribute:
      • a delay, which must be a positive floating point number
    • Example: gate x xor 1.0
  • Threshold Gates
    • Threshold gates have two attributes:
      • a threshold, which must be a non-negative integer
      • a delay, which must be a positive floating point number
    • Example: gate x threshold 2 1.0
  • Output Gates
    • Output gates have no attributes.
    • Example: gate x output
  • Wires
    • Wires have three attributes:
      • a source gate
      • a delay, which must be a positive floating point number
      • any number of destinations, where each destination is proceeded by the delay to that destination
    • Example: wire a 1.0 b
    • Example: wire b 1.0 a 1.0 a

Additionally, the simulation performs the following sanity checks.

  • Input gates may not be destinations of any wires.
  • Output gates may not be sources for any wires.
  • Xor gates must be the destination of exactly 2 wires.
  • If a threshold gate is the destination of n wires, it may not have a threshold greater than n.


The simulation runs only if there were no warnings issued during the building of the model.

If the simulation encounters any errors, it will print them to the screen.

Example input:

-- this is a comment
gate a input 1 1.0 2
gate b output -- this is a comment too
wire a 0.1 b

Example simulation output:

time 0.0 0->1 Gate a input 1 1.0 2
time 0.1 0->1 Wire a 0.1 b
time 1.0 1->0 Gate a input 1 1.0 1
time 1.1 1->0 Wire a 0.1 b
time 2.0 0->1 Gate a input 1 1.0 0
time 2.1 0->1 Wire a 0.1 b

Contents:               -- this file
classes                 -- the @ file for the javac command         -- utility package (standalone)             -- utility package (standalone)        -- utility package               -- wires that connect Gates               -- gates are connected by wires     -- a subclass of Gate      -- a subclass of InputCountGate            -- a subclass of InputCountGate          -- a subclass of Gate         -- a subclass of Gate     -- the main program

tests                   -- an executable testing script

Makefile                -- instructions for building and testing it

In the above list of .java files, blank lines separate levels in the dependency hierarchy. Each level depends on levels above it.


To build the program, use the command "make" or "make LogicSimulator"

To run the tests, use the command "make tests"

To view documentation of the program, use the command "make javadoc"

To clean the directory, use the command "make clean"


Digital Logic Simulator made in Java.






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