From PMT data to quantum states
We have performed a single qubit tomography and saved it in the file qc2157.dat . The dataset contains all data that is required for a gate set tomography.
Load the dataset
We will convert the PMT counts into bright and dark outomes and calculate the excitation probability
The first three entries of the dataset are the measurements that are required for a single-qubit tomography. Measurement operators are (Sz,Sy,Sx)
Reconstruct the single qubit density matrix
The files contained in the folder rb_data contain experimental data from reandomized benchmarking
Load all files. .raw files contain the PMT counts .dat files contain the excitation probability in the second column
The files contain sequence lengths of [10,30,50, 70,90, 110,130, 150,170, 190] Clifford operations
Fit an exponential decay A + B*p**N to the exponential decay
Calculate the fidelity of a Clifford operation as F = (p+1)/2