Last Updated: June 07' 2021
Here are programs that every budding programmer who is learning to code in Java should start with. These programs are a compilation of many different types of programs and levels of programming you should try. If you want to start with levels of coding in mind use the table (serial) to refer which program is of which category. If you want in which serial you should code rather than the levels then refer to table (levels) for a better understanding.
A coding IDE or just use the CMD/Terminal on your Windows Pc/Mac respectively (I used VS Code for this).
Check that Java is properly installed in your system and the Path to Java is integratively set in your system.
Start by trying to create the program by yourself if you encounter any problems refer to the code in the program file, if the problem still persist then create a issue or use Google/Stack Overlflow for help.
Done! You have successfully created the program in Java by your own.
Serial No. | Program Name | Description of the program |
1 | | Program to print out "Hello World" |
2 | | Program to find out the number entered is Even/Odd (Static Method). |
3 | | Program to find out the number entered is Even/Odd (Dynamic Method). |
4 | | Program to find out the largest number (Static Method). |
5 | | Program to find out the largest number (Dynamic Method). |
6 | | Program to find out the prime or not (Static Method). |
7 | | Program to find out the prime or not (Dynamic Method). |
8 | | Program to display first n Prime number (Static Method). |
9 | | Program to display first n Prime number (Dynamic Method). |
10 | | Program to generate fibonacci series upto n value (Static Method). |
11 | | Program to generate fibonacci series upto n value (Dynamic Method). |
12 | | Program to find the root of quadratic equation (Static Method). |
13 | | Program to find the root of quadratic equation (Dynamic Method). |
14 | Calculator | Program that implements the arithmetic operation (Calculator) using switch statement. |
15 | | Program to print the sum (addition), multiply, subtract, divide and remainder of two numbers. |
16 | | Program to demonstrate input from keyboard using Scanner. |
17 | | Program to find first non-repeating character in a string (Static Method). |
18 | | Program to find first non-repeating character in a string (Dynamic Method). |
19 | | Program to find the maximum occurring character in a string. |
20 | | Program in java to demonstrate method overloading. |
21 | | Program to store Voter detail as voter id, voter name & monthly income for a voter in a class. Compute annual income & display the detail. Use parameterized constructor. |
22 | | Program in java to demonstrate chain constructor. |
23 | | Program to accept a number and check the number is even or not. Prints 1 if the number is even or 0 if the number is odd. |
24 | | Program in java to demonstrate input from keyboard using Comand Line Argument. |
25 | | Program that accepts three integers from the user and return true if the second number is greater than first number and third number is greater than second number. If "abc" is true second number does not need to be greater than first number. |
26 | | Program in java to demonstrate multilevel inheritance in java. |
27 | AbstractClassProgram | Program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains two integers and an empty method named print Area (). Provide three classes named Rectangle, Triangle and Circle such that each one of the classes extends the class Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method print Area () that prints the area of the given shape. |
Level No. | Program Name | Description of the program |
1 | | Program to print out "Hello World" |
1 | | Program to find out the number entered is Even/Odd (Static Method). |
1 | | Program to demonstrate input from keyboard using Command line argument. |
1 | | Program to find out the largest number (Static Method). |
1 | | Program to find out the prime or not (Static Method). |
1 | | Program to display first n Prime number (Static Method). |
1 | | Program to generate fibonacci series upto n value (Static Method). |
1 | | Program to find the root of quadratic equation (Static Method). |
1 | | Program to find first non-repeating character in a string (Static Method). |
1 | | Program to demonstrate input from keyboard using Scanner. |
1 | | Program to find first non-repeating character in a string (Static Method). |
1 | | Program to find the maximum occurring character in a string. |
1 | | Program to accept a number and check the number is even or not. Prints 1 if the number is even or 0 if the number is odd. |
1 | | Program in java to demonstrate input from keyboard using Comand Line Argument. |
2 | | Program to find out the number entered is Even/Odd (Dynamic Method). |
2 | | Program to print the sum (addition), multiply, subtract, divide and remainder of two numbers |
2 | | Program to find out the largest number (Dynamic Method). |
2 | | Program to find out the prime or not (Dynamic Method). |
2 | | Program to display first n Prime number (Dynamic Method). |
2 | | Program to generate fibonacci series upto n value (Dynamic Method). |
2 | | Program to find the root of quadratic equation (Dynamic Method). |
2 | | Program to find first non-repeating character in a string (Dynamic Method). |
2 | | Program to print the sum (addition), multiply, subtract, divide and remainder of two numbers. |
2 | | Program to find first non-repeating character in a string (Dynamic Method). |
2 | | Program in java to demonstrate method overloading. |
2 | | Program to store Voter detail as voter id, voter name & monthly income for a voter in a class. Compute annual income & display the detail. Use parameterized constructor. |
2 | | Program in java to demonstrate chain constructor. |
2 | | Program that accepts three integers from the user and return true if the second number is greater than first number and third number is greater than second number. If "abc" is true second number does not need to be greater than first number. |
2 | | Program in java to demonstrate multilevel inheritance in java. |
3 | Calculator | Program that implements the arithmetic operation (Calculator) using switch statement. |
3 | AbstractClassProgram | Program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains two integers and an empty method named print Area (). Provide three classes named Rectangle, Triangle and Circle such that each one of the classes extends the class Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method print Area () that prints the area of the given shape. |
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