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6.3.0 Firmware for Prusa CORE One

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@JohnnyDeer JohnnyDeer released this 05 Feb 11:51
· 4 commits to master since this release


  • Prusa CORE One printer support
  • xBuddy Extension Board support
  • Chamber temperature control
  • Chamber light dimming & max brightness
  • Door Sensor
  • Print Sheet Detection
  • Other updates, improvements and fixes

This is the stable release of firmware 6.3.0 for the Prusa CORE One, introducing support for its new features.

Note: Firmware for other printers will be released separately in the near future.

For more information regarding the CORE One release, please read the blog post from Jo Prusa: link

xBuddy Extension Board support

The Prusa CORE One features a brand-new daughterboard called the xBuddy Extension, which provides additional I/O capabilities:

  • Two chamber cooling fans
  • Chamber temperature sensor
  • Chamber light LED strip (white only)
  • Status bar LED strip (RGBW)
  • Powered USB-C port (e.g. to power chamber camera, data communication not supported yet)
  • MMU port (acts as a passthrough from the xBuddy motherboard)
  • Advanced Filtration System fan (firmware control not supported yet)
  • CAN bus (for additional accessories; not supported yet)

Note: xBuddy Extension board is currently supported only on the CORE One printer, but we're exploring adding MK4 support for DIY enclosures.

Chamber temperature control

Prusa CORE One is the first printer in the xBuddy platform to support chamber temperature control, introducing the “Chamber Temperature” footer and menu items.

The CORE One's chamber is heated by the 150W heatbed. As the temperature starts rising quickly whenever the heatbed is turned on, the printer uses a pair of fans to actively cool the chamber to the target temperature (“Chamber Temperature” in the settings).

We have also implemented the M141 (Set Chamber Temperature) and M191 (Wait for Chamber Temperature) G-codes.

Note: The preheat menu does not currently support chamber temperature control.

Chamber Fans

Cooling is managed via a pair of chamber fans, which can also be controlled manually using G-codes M106 (Set Fan Speed) or M107 (Fan Off) with the P3 option.
If the "Chamber Fans" value is not set to Auto, they will always run at the specified percentage, and the chamber temperature will not be automatically regulated.

Chamber light dimming & max brightness

Prusa CORE One chamber lights support automatic dimming after inactivity, just like on the XL.
Additionally, you can now adjust the maximum brightness on both the CORE One and XL in the User Interface submenu.

Door Sensor

The Prusa CORE One is equipped with a door sensor that pauses the printer when the door is opened, primarily to comply with safety regulations. This feature can be disabled (at the user's own risk) in Settings → Hardware → Door Sensor.

Print Sheet Detection

With the extended motion range of the CORE One’s extruder, the printer can now detect a missing print sheet and alert the user before starting a print.

Other updates, improvements and fixes

Wrong Filesystem Error Message

Printers now detect non-FAT32 filesystems on USB drives and display an appropriate error message.

G-codes for Managing User Filaments

Support for user-defined filament types was introduced in firmware 6.2. Now, the new M865 G-code (M865 Configure filament parameters) allows configuring filament parameters directly via G-code. Documentation can be found in the M865.cpp source file.

File Sorting by Date on PrusaLink

Users can now sort files by date in PrusaLink for easier file management.

Reworked Click-Spin-Click Menu Selectors

Menu selectors that previously required a click-spin-click interaction (e.g., footer item selection) now display a full list of available options on a dedicated screen. While knob interactions remain the same, users can now see all choices at once, improving usability.

Known Issues

Filament Stuck Detection Not Working

The Filament Stuck Detection feature for Prusa CORE One is still being fine-tuned. Currently, it is intentionally disabled to prevent false triggers.

Numeric Error Accumulation Possibly Causing Layer Shifts

A recently discovered numeric error accumulation bug may cause layer shifts, particularly on prints using gyroid infill.
A fix is currently being tested and is expected to be released in an upcoming firmware update. This issue is not a regression, so we have chosen not to delay this release.