Not to be confused with the official redux-toolkit.
This library is relatively unopinionated about your specific Redux setup. It offers the following functionalities:
Redux components creators automatically generate action creators and reducers for specific properties in a state object, and are able to handle different property types:
interface State {
property1: { a: number; b: string };
property2: string[];
property3: boolean;
/** We need to prefix in order to prevent type conflicts in the reducer.
const PREFIX = "PREFIX" as const;
* Since property1 is an object, there will be object-related action creators:
* - property1ActionCreators.Object_delete_property_property1
* - property1ActionCreators.Object_merge_property_property1
* - property1ActionCreators.Object_set_property_property1
* Similarly, different property types (Array|Boolean|Object|Set) will have different action creators.
* The convention of the generated names is:
* `${PREFIX}_(Array|Boolean|Object|Set)_(action)_${StateKey}
const {
actionCreators: property1ActionCreators,
reducer: property1Reducer,
} = createReduxComponents<
typeof PREFIX
actionPrefix: PREFIX,
propertyType: "OBJECT",
stateKey: "property1",
/** Set up the other action creators */
const allActionCreators = {
const reducer = combineReducer(
If you have a default state object, such as:
interface State {
a: number;
b: number;
c: boolean | undefined
const defaultState: State = { a: 1, b: 2, c: undefined };
You can also use createBulkReduxComponents
to automatically provide action
creators and reducer for all eligible properties:
* Explicit types are required when we use this function because it needs to
* infer the type suggestions.
const { actionCreators, reducer } = createBulkReduxComponents<State, 'PREFIX'>({
actionPrefix: 'PREFIX',
state: { a: [], b: true },
* For eligible properties that can be null/undefined, you will need to
* provide a typeSuggestions object in order to hint at the property's type.
* This is required because we are not able to ascertain their actual types
* during runtime if they are initialized with null/undefined.
* If you don't have any property that can be null/undefined, typeSuggestions
* can be safely omitted.
typeSuggestions: { c: 'BOOLEAN' }
* You can access the action creators like so (note that the key postfixes have
* been removed since the action creators are already namespaced):
* Even if we initialized c with undefined, we are still able to use these
* action creators.
The undo component creator helps you wrap an existing reducer to provide it with undo functionalities.
* The State type needs to implement a certain interface to make the history
* object available to access.
const {
reducer: reducerWithHistory
} = createUndoReduxComponents<State, 'PREFIX'>({
actionPrefix: 'PREFIX' as const,
/** Track only certain keys in the state object */
keysToTrack: ['a', 'b'],
/** Keep a maximum of 5 past states */
limit: 5,
originalReducer: (state, action) => state
/** Restore the last state in the past history */
For an introduction to RxJS, please visit their page.
For an introduction to redux-observable, please visit their page.
This helper creates a rxjs operator that correctly filters the specified action types, and the actions that get emitted will have all their properties in tact for type safety. Take a look at the sample test code for an example of how it would look in practice.
tap((action) => {
/** Outputs 'ACTION_1' */
/** This should be type-safe */
This type extracts all actions defined in an object - for e.g.:
const actionCreators = {
a: { type: 'A' as const },
* It's able to infer function return types, so don't worry about using an
* action creator function.
b: ( property: string) => ({ property, type: 'B' as const }),
* It can also handle nested action creators. This works well with bulk
* redux components, because the resulting action creators object consists
* of other action creators namespaced by state keys.
c: {
d: { type: 'D' as const },
e: () => ({ type: 'E' as const })
type AllActionType = ActionType<typeof actionCreators>;
/** Equivalent to */
type AllActionType2 =
| { type: 'A' as const }
| { property: string; type: 'B' as const }
| { type: 'D' as const }
| { type: 'E' as const }