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A Prometheus exporter for dump1090 metrics.

Based heavily on


You need to have a recent version of Go installed.

make build


Once you have built readsb-exporter, you need to configure it with:

  • the latitude and longitude of the location of your receiver
  • the path to where dump1090 metrics are being written as .json files
Usage of ./readsb-exporter:
  -lat float
        Latitude. Values from stats.json will override this.
  -listen-address string
        Listen address (default ":9105")
  -lon float
        Longitude. Values from stats.json will override this.
  -metrics-root string
        Path to .json files (default "/run/readsb")
  -threshold-seconds float
        Filter aircraft to only those seen within the last n seconds. (default 15)

As an example:

$ readsb-exporter \
  -lat 100 \
  -lon 100 \
  -metrics-root /var/run/readsb