composer require protendai/sap-business-one
Add the following line to your Config/app.php Providers:
Add the following line to your Config/app.php Aliases:
'SAPClient' => Protendai\SapBusinessOne\SAPClient::class,
You can publish the config using this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Protendai\SapBusinessOne\SapBusinessOneServiceProvider"
The defaults configuration settings are set in config/sap.php
as shown below and you can modify the values.
'sap' => [
"https" => false,
"host" => "IP/HOST Address eg",
"port" => 50000,
"sslOptions" => ["cafile" => "path/to/certificate.crt","verify_peer" => true,"verify_peer_name" => true,],
"version" => 1
You update config using this command:
php artisan config:cache
Use SAPClient in your controller.
use Protendai\SapBusinessOne\SAPClient;
Create a new Service Layer session.
$sap = SAPClient::createSession('SAP UserName', 'SAP Password', 'Company DB');
Grab the SAP Business One session.
$session = $sap->getSession();
Example of pulling orders using session saved above:
$sap = new SAPClient(config('') ,$session);
$orders = $sap->getService('Orders');
$result = $orders->queryBuilder()
->orderBy('DocNum', 'asc')
This SapBusinessOne Wrapper for Laravel is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license