Protégé 5.0.0 RC1
46 commits
to master
since this release
This release candidate provides mainly bug fixes and some minor functionality enhancements.
New functionality
- Changed the OS X distribution so that it is a Mac OS X Application Bundle. This allows Protege to be placed in the dock on OS X and allows .owl ontology files to doubled clicked in the Finder in order to open them (protegeproject/protege#388)
- Added a table to the plugin preferences pane that shows installed plugins and their versions (protegeproject/protege#389)
- Added functionality to display error messages for mis-spelt property and individual names in the object property assertion editor (protegeproject/protege#382)
- Changed the behaviour of the ontology annotations view so that ontology annotations are sorted (protegeproject/protege#402). Certain well known annotations receive a higher priority than others in the sorting, in particular dc:title, dc:creator and dc:contributor (protegeproject/protege#405), dc:rights and dc:terms (protegeproject/protege#406) and dc:published (protegeproject/protege#407).
- Updated the default bookmarked ontology URLs (protegeproject/protege#409)
Bug Fixes
- Altered the column sizes in the About window to make it more readable (protegeproject/protege#390)
- Fixed a problem with drag and drop where direct subclasses of owl:Thing that did not have explicit subclass axioms could not be dragged from under owl:Thing (protegeproject/protege#387)
- Updated the OWL API to 4.2.3 (protegeproject/protege#393). This fixes a bug where axiom annotations on rule would be deleted if the signature of the rule was changed during a rename operation in Protege. and protegeproject/protege#371. It also fixes a bug where a runtime exception could be thrown during ontology parsing if the ontology contains punned properties (protegeproject/protege#376)
- Changed the preferences dialog so that it resizes itself to completely fit on smaller displays (protegeproject/protege#397)
- Fixed a problem where Protege would crash if annotation values were IRIs that were equal to the ontology IRI and had an empty string rendering. This problem was most notably present with the prov ontology (protegeproject/protege#400)
- Fixed a problem with the Rules view that threw exceptions when trying to edit rules (protegeproject/protege#398)
- Fixed a problem where Protege would sometimes display empty error messages (protegeproject/protege#396)
- Fixed a problem where individuals that were created as direct instances of owl:Thing would not receive the focus after creation (protegeproject/protege#374)
- Fixed a problem where the right hand side of the entities tab would be greyed out (due to the selection history being cleared) after adding an instance of owl:Thing (protegeproject/protege#379)
- Fixed a problem where the right hand side of the entities tab would be greyed out (due to the selection history being cleared) after synchronising the reasoner if owl:Thing was the selected class (protegeproject/protege#380)
- Fixed a problem where the inferred class hierarchy could cause Protege to crash with certain reasoners under certain conditions (protegeproject/protege#403)
- Changed the behaviour when creating individuals so axioms stating that an individual is an instance of owl:Thing are not added to the ontology (in order to parallel the behaviour of the class hierarchy) (protegeproject/protege#401)