This project is a Unity game with an integrated Unity IAP (In-App Purchases) system. It demonstrates a virtual shop where you can explore and buy different in-game products. You can use this project as a template and easily adjust the settings and keys to fit your own requirements. It serves as a helpful resource to understand how IAP systems work in Unity. The shop connects to your catalog linked with the Google Play Store Developer Console, ensuring a smooth and convenient purchasing experience.
PS: This project was a great learning experience. Use this if you're new to creating shops with IAPs in Unity 🚀
- Integrated Unity IAP system for in-app purchases
- Browse and purchase products in the virtual shop 🛍️💰
- Connects to your catalog in Google Play Store Developer Console
Follow these steps to utilize the project repository:
Before getting started, ensure that you have the following:
- Unity installed on your machine (version 2021.3.9f1 LTS or higher).
- A Google Play Developer account.
- Basic knowledge of Unity and C# programming.
Clone the repository:
Open the project: Open the cloned repository in Unity by selecting File → Open Project and navigating to the project folder.
Import Unity IAP package: In Unity, open the Package Manager by selecting Window → Package Manager. Search for "Unity IAP" and click on the package to import it into your project.
Set up Google Play Console:
- Go to the Google Play Console and sign in using your Google account.
- Create a new application entry for your game by clicking on Create Application.
- Fill in the necessary details for your app, such as the title, description, and other required information.
- Configure your payment settings, including pricing and availability.
- Navigate to the Development Tools → Services & APIs section and enable the "Google Play Billing Library" for your game.
- Obtain the necessary credentials or keys (e.g., application public key) from the Google Play Console.
- Configure Unity IAP settings:
- In the Unity Editor, go to Window → Unity IAP → IAP Catalog.
- Configure your in-app purchase products, prices, and other details according to your game's requirements.
- Ensure that the product IDs in the IAP catalog match the product IDs created in the Google Play Console.
- Integrate IAP logic:
- Open your game's code in Unity and locate the appropriate script or class responsible for handling IAP transactions.
- Implement the logic to retrieve product details from the IAP catalog, display the available products in your virtual shop, handle purchase requests, and grant purchased items to the player.
- Build and test:
- Build your game for the target platform (e.g., Android).
- Install the built APK file on a test device or emulator.
- Test the IAP functionality by making test purchases and verifying that the purchased items are correctly granted to the player.
- Publish to Google Play:
- Once you're satisfied with the functionality and testing, create a signed APK of your game.
- Upload the signed APK to the Google Play Console and follow the platform-specific guidelines for submitting your game to the Google Play Store.
⏹️ End of README