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Office Hours

Orlix edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 12 revisions

We do not use that file anymore

This is a place for schedules, notes, and resources stemming from the Contour Office Hours.

Please join us for Contour Office Hours every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 1-3pm ET / 10am-12pm PT. The schedule below reflects topics that will be discussed unless other topics arise during the office hours, and topics from a previous time slot can then be moved to the next.

Zoom link

YouTube playlist of recordings

Office Hours schedule:

  • July 16 (recording)
    • What’s an Ingress Controller? How does it work?
    • Setting up TCP (L4) Routes
    • How to contribute to Contour
  • Aug 6
    • Blue/Green Deployments
    • Canary Deployments
  • Aug 20
    • How to debug Contour/Envoy when things go wrong?
  • Sept 3
    • How Contour watched for Events, Processed (Builds DAG), then Convert to Envoy xDS
    • Demo of Contour with Gatekeeper
  • Sept 17
    • Designing for failure, how to deploy so Contour/envoy can fail, as well as your apps
  • Oct 1
    • Hacktoberfest!
  • November 5
    • secretName/Namespace (@jtigger, @Mikael Manukyan)
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