Francesco Ganci - 4143910 - Robotics Engineering - A.A. 2020/2021
Take a look at the video demo of the project!
Doxygen Documentation:
Here are the instructions for setting up the project.
The project is compatible with ROS Noetic. Not yet tested with ROS kinetic: probably, it doesn't work there.
In order to run the project, you need the two packages you can find here. SLAM and GMapping are tools for managing the movement of a robot with noisy odometry: their purpose is to correct odometry in a way that the robot can get its position as precisely as possible.
Copy the packages into the workspace you prefer. use branch : noetic
git clone -b noetic
Also these packages are required. Please install them.
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-openslam-gmapping
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-navigation
MoveBase is a motion planner: given a goal, it can retrieve a path from the actual position to the desired one, recomputing the path depending on the informations gathered by sensors in conjunction with Slam-GMapping.
Simply install it:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-move-base
In the repository here you can find a package which contains the data for simulating a robot with disturbed odometry. This package is needed in order to run the simulation in Rviz and Gazebo.
Copy the packages inside the workspace you prefer. use branch : noetic
git clone -b noetic
I suggest you to create a new empty workspace in which install the project. Create the new workspace, and then copy the dependencies inside it.
Download the repository here, then add in your src folder the package final_assignment
git clone -b main final_assignment
Go to the root of the workspace, and from there launch
Restart the console. That's all!
Here is the complete code:
#! /bin/bash
## === from your 'home' folder === ##
cd ~
## === workspace creation === ##
mkdir RT1_final_assignment_ws
cd ./RT1_final_assignment_ws
mkdir src
cd ./src
## === dependencies === ##
git clone -b noetic
git clone -b noetic
# sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-openslam-gmapping
# sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-navigation
# sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-move-base
## === clone the project === ##
git clone -b main final_assignment
## === final build === ##
cd ..
Inside the package, in the folder launch, you can find several launch files. Because of the huge quantity of nodes you have to launch for running the project, i strongly suggest to launch everything from these files.
First of all, launch the simulation environment. You can ignore the large amount of warnings on the console: if Gazebo and Rviz run well, you need nothing else. Otherwise, close everything and relaunch.
roslaunch final_assignment start.launch
Done that, launch another terminal and type this:
roslaunch final_assignment final_assignment.launch
This will launch the command line interface and all the other components. See the documentation, section services, for further informations about these components. Remember that you can interact with them via rosservice call
if , for instance, you note something strange during the simulation, or for simple curiosity.
At this point, you can start typing commands. See the documentation, section Command Line Interface, for further infos about the commands. If you don't want to bother in reading documentation, simply type help
and start playing with it. Have fun!
The package final_assignment contains:
- config : it contains only one file, the simulation settings for Rviz
- launch : launch files for the project.
- param : YAML parameters files used for launching the simulation environment
- scripts : it contains all the scripts of this project
- srv : custom services. See the documentation, section services
- urdf : description of a robot with noisy odometry
- worlds : the description of the environment in which the robot moves
This project aims at controlling a mobile robot with bad odometry. The wrong base odometry is adjusted by SLAM-GMapping components before entering in the nodes of this project. Moreover, the robot is controlled by command line interface by the user (let's say, the user has a remote control to drive the robot).
Mainly 4 functionalities are implemented:
- Exporation : the robot randomly chooses a target (uniform distribution) and tries and reach it. In the meanwhile, the SLAM_GMapping component uses the measurements from laser sensors (topc /scan) in order to build a map of the environment. If you want, you can save the generated map using the package Map Server. The command is implemented as background task, so the console can decide when to stop the task (see documentation about Command Line Interface)
- Goal Reaching : the user can indicate a point to be reached by the robot. Foreground task, see the documentation
- wall follow : the robot uses the component and moves it following the walls of the environment. This is another background process, so the user can decide when to stop it. See the documentation for further details.
- Two motion planning algorithms : the command line interface can decide which motion planning algorithm to use. Two algorithms are available: bug0 provided along the base of the project, and move_base which is a path planner capable of working along with SLAM-GMapping. The user can decide which algorithm to use from the Command Line Interface.
The project needs the nodes you can find in the final_assignment.launch launch file. Note the structure of this file, splitted in mainly two parts: start of the services, and then start of the command line interface.
You can find here the ROS graph of the project.
The center of the program is the command line interface, implemented in the node I preferred to integrate the project with the already existent base project(here is the link) with as less changes as possible, simply adding functionalities. Only the node required a little effort in order to make it suitable to the project.
Functionality 1 requres a parallel execution: the console must be free while the robot is going around in the environment. For that reason, the first functionality wal implemented in two separated nodes, for the move_base motion planning algorithm, and for the bug0 motion planning algorithm. Note that bug0 is also compatible with the second functionality, because it gets the target from the parameter server (I preferred to preserve this behaviour, otherwise I would have had even to change the other two components and, whereas the node is not. As workaround for this, I created another (simple) node, which has the only purpose to communicate to move_base a goal from the service called via command line.
The nodes and are both switchable, and have a status service (see the documentation). implements a general-purpose service, used in many points of the program. Indeed it became ad independent node because of that.
This node implements the wall_follow behaviour.
<node pkg="final_assignment" name="wall_follow_service_m" type="" required="true" />
Services exposed:
- /wall_follower_switch : turn on and off the service.
- (publisher) /cmd_vel : the node can perform a low-level control of the robot, sending it twists.
- (subscriber) /scan : the robot has some laser sensor which uses in controlling the motion.
Parameter Server:
- (read only) des_pos_x : x coordinate of the target
- (read only) des_pos_y : y coordinate of the target
A "go-to-point" behaviour is realized here: the robot moves straight towards the point, choosing a proper twist. It cannot deal with obstacles.
<node pkg="final_assignment" name="go_to_point" type="" required="true" />
Services exposed:
- /go_to_point_switch : turn on and off the service.
- (publisher) /cmd_vel : the node can perform a low-level control of the robot.
- (subscriber) /odom : the calculation of the next twist to send requires the distance from the point the robot has to reach.
Parameter Server:
- (read only) des_pos_x : x coordinate of the target
- (read only) des_pos_y : y coordinate of the target
This node provides some useful functionalities for understanding the progress of the motion towards the goal. Moreover, it helps in easily detecting the position of the robot in the environment. It implements in one place oe functionality that is of use of many nodes in the project.
<node pkg="final_assignment" name="check_position" type="" required="true" output="screen" />
Services exposed (see services documentation):
- /check_position : extract useful informations about /odom topic; compute the distance between one position and the goal
- /odom : the node periodically checks the actual position of the robot.
This simple node contains the allowed positions for the robot. It can choose one among them, and check if a given position is contained in the set.
<node pkg="final_assignment" name="points_manager" type="" required="true" output="screen" />
Services exposed (see services documentation):
- /get_point : choose one position among all, then return it. Empty request.
- /position_defined : check if a position is allowed or not.
It implements a background task. The node ciclically asks the service /get_point for a target, then reaches it using the move_base motion planning algorithm. This node can be turned on and off. I strongly suggest you to read the documentation about it, in order to better understand how it is designed and why in that way. See both and
<node pkg="final_assignment" name="reach_random_pos_service" type="" required="true" output="screen" />
Services exposed (see services documentation):
- /reach_random_pos_status : status of the node, and other useful information about positioning of the robot in the environment.
- /reach_random_pos_switch : turn on and off the node.
Services used:
- /check_position : check the progress towards the goal
- /get_point : choose a random target before begin the movement
- (Publisher) /move_base/goal : set the goal to MoveBase
It implements a blocking service. The node takes one target from the request, then sends it to bug0 and tries and reach it using the move_base motion planning algorithm.
<node pkg="final_assignment" name="reach_user_pos_service" type="" required="true" output="screen" />
Services exposed (see services documentation):
- /user_target : send a target to this node
- (Publisher) /move_base/goal : set the goal to MoveBase
This node, based on the version kindly provided by prof. Carmine Recchiuto, implements a motion planning algorithm alternative to move_base. This node uses the two services and in order to reach the goal, as in a blind search.
<node pkg="final_assignment" name="bug0" type="" required="true" />
Services exposed (see services documentation). Note that and provide a similar interface.
- /bug0_switch : the service can be turned on and off.
- /bug0_status : status of the node.
Services used:
- /get_point : choose a random target before begin the movement
- /wall_follower_switch : start and stop following walls
- /go_to_point_switch : start and stop going straight to the target
- (subscriber) /scan : used for alternating wall_follow with go_to_point
- (subscriber) /odom : get the actual position of the robot
- (publisher) /cmd_vel : used only for stopping the robot in one position
Parameter Server:
- (read/write) des_pos_x : x coordinate of the target
- (read/write) des_pos_y : y coordinate of the target
It implements a command line interface. See documentation, section s, for further information about how to use it.
<node pkg="final_assignment" name="user_console" type="" output="screen" required="true" />
Services in use:
- /wall_follower_switch: functionalities 3 and 4
- /reach_random_pos_switch: functionalities 1 and 4 using move_base as motion planning algorithm
- /user_target : functionality 2 using move_base as motion planning algorithm
- /position_defined : functionalities 1 and 2
- /bug0_switch : functionalities 1, 2 and 4 when using bug0 as motion planning algorithm
- /bug0_status : functionality 2 using bug0 as motion planning algorithm
Here are some aspects to be improved:
- Re-factoring on in a way such that it can also realise the second functionality.
- Make the second functionality in background instead of in foreground
- Implement strategies for understanding if the robot is truly doing progresses towards the target. Indeed you can notice that sometimes, using bug0 motion planning algorithm, the robot gest stuck in a cycle. This desn't happen (as I seen after some test) when the map is completed. Actually the project hasn't such strategies implemented.
- The command last_pos using move_base should cause the robot to immediately interrupt using actions.
- Making the components of bug0 to get the target without using the parameter server; doing this, the code inside become simpler.
For sure, there are other aspects which require a bit of work.