Display charts and live cook data from your barbecue on the web. This program requires a specific digital thermometer: The Maverick ET-732. This also requires some specific hardware. You can use whatever microcomputer you like, this was developed on a Raspberry Pi Zero W and a 433 MHz radio frequency receiver module.
- Charts
- Cook stats
- Email alerts
- Push alerts (with Pushover account)
- Fahrenheit or Celsius support
- Custom chart colors
Web server: nginx
Database: sqlite3
Interface: php7-fpm
433mhz sniffer/parser: C
Email alerts: php-curl
Raspberry Pi
433 MHz radio frequency receiver
GPIO Pinout (physical pin numbers):
2 (5v) - to 5v pin on receiver
34 (GND) - to GND on receiver
31 (BCM15) - to DATA on receiver
Install steps as of January 7, 2024:
sudo apt install git
git clone https://github.com/produktive/Maverick.bbq
- Install PIGPIO (see http://abyz.me.uk/rpi/pigpio/download.html)
c.wget abyz.me.uk/rpi/pigpio/pigpio.zip
d.unzip pigpio.zip
g.sudo make install
sudo apt install nginx libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 php-fpm php-curl
- Configure for nginx: either paste from
or simply:
sudo cp ~/Maverick.bbq/bbq/maverick.bbq /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
- Copy maverick html files to nginx web root
b.sudo cp -RT Maverick.bbq/ /var/www/
- Create the database
a.cd ~/Maverick.bbq/bbq
b.sudo sqlite3 -init ./db.script the.db
to verify the db
to exit - Build the maverick executable
a.sudo gcc -o maverick maverick.c -lpigpio -lsqlite3
- Enable nginx user www-data to execute and kill maverick executable
a.sudo visudo
b. Addwww-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/www/bbq/maverick.sh, /bin/kill
as last line - Set ownership/permissions on /var/www/html and /var/www/bbq directory and contents
a.sudo chown -R $USER:www-data /var/www/bbq
b.sudo chown -R $USER:www-data /var/www/html
- Enter IP/hostname of your Raspberry Pi in a web browser. Login with default password
and change it after login.
Only Gmail has been tested with the email alerts since I don't have accounts with the other providers. If you use a different provider and it doesn't work, create a pull request and I will investigate it.
Contributions and improvements are welcome.