This is an application that powers lenders to build, launch, and scale their digital lending business across multiple channels, at the lowest cost. Built eith React.js, Typescript, React Context API and SASS.
Tools used in building the web application:
- React.js Framework
- Vite Frontend Tool
- TypeScript Template
- SASS Preprocessor
- Axios Library
- Tanstack React Query
- LocalStorage
The project's goal is to enable lenders to develop, launch, and grow their lending operations through a variety of channels more quickly and for a lower total cost than they would need to employ independent developers/UI/UX Designers. To connect lenders with the best sources of data, payments, and services.
- I adopted the use of the Vite frontend tool to make development more convenient.
- I made use of mixins in SASS to store variables and reusable style rules to ease the complexity of styling.
- I installed the Axios library for the use of making requests to the API
- I use react query to prefetch data to cache and render it directly from the cache when needed.
The Project Employs Practices Like:
- Maintain a Clear Folder Structure.
- Institute a Structured Import Order.
- Adhere To Naming Conventions.
- Use a Linter.
- Employ Snippet Libraries.
- Uses Scss.
- Asynchronous State Management
Access the web application at Lendsqr
Login Screen
Users Dashboard
Users Dashboard with Pagination
Users Detail
- Clone down this repository. You will need
installed globally on your machine.
npm install
To Start Server:
npm run dev
To Visit App: