A weather application for getting accurate and realtime temperature, presented in a beautiful, organized manner.
Also weather forecasts are provided for 48 hours and 8days which will give you a deep insight into the current and future weather. This project is based on OpenWeather API. The api call errors are also handled as well as loading screens for when api responses are slow.
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- To be able to search weather, providing city name
- Change the output values to metric or imperial values
- Present 48 hours weather forecast
- Present 8 days weather forecast
- Provide more information along weather such as, Sunset-Sunrise time, Low and High Temperature, Humidity, Feels-like temperature, Chance of Rain, Wind Speed and Direction, Visibility
- Loading and Error screens
- Refresh temperature
- Free of cost and ad-less
- Live on Github
This website is not that responsive on smaller screens.